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"Scott honey, what is going on?" Josie rushed into Scott's room and met him packing up his clothes and shoes into a bag in a hurry. He shot occasional glances outside the window as sweat trickled down his face profusely.

"Scott honey, please talk to me. Why are you leaving the house?" Josie pleaded and made an attempt to stop Scott from packing but he pushed her hand away and continued packing in a rush as though his life was in danger.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on here!" Josie yelled and locked up the door and held the key with her.

"Mom, he is coming. I don't want to hurt you or Alexa. Please let me leave." Scott pleaded and kept packing his clothes into the bag.

"Who is he? What is going on?" Josie asked as her voice began to shake.

"Mom please for Christ sake open the damn door!" Scott barked frustratingly as Josie obliged and opened the door. Scott swung his bag across his shoulder and barged out of the room. He raced down the staircase as Josie followed behind crying.

"Son, where are you going? It's late for God sake!" Jacob yelled.

"Far away from here. I need to be far away as soon as possible." Scott responded.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"Will you guys just trust me for once!" Scott yelled.

"Fine, stay safe son. Give us a call when you arrive at wherever it is you're going." Jacob said as Scott rushed out of the Griffith's home. He hoped into his car and sped out in an insane speed almost knocking off the mailbox.

Alexa, Josie and Jacob all shot glances at themselves, they appeared stunned and short of words at Scott's actions.

Scott fixed his gaze on the road as he titled the steering steady and sped across the highways of Grenville. He began shaking his head in discomfort as he could hear a voice call out his name in his head. Sweat began to pour out of his head profusely.

He took out his handkerchief and cleaned up the sweat building up on his face, but they kept pouring out more. "Leave me the fuck alone!" he yelled to himself and made a turn and pushed hard on the car accelerator, the car raced faster as it approached a pedestrian crossing.

He shot a glance at the traffic light indicating green and no pedestrians were at sight, just as he sped closer to the pedestrian crossing, he saw something else. The traffic light had been red all along and pedestrians were at sight, but it was too late to slow down without causing any casualty.

"Oh shit!!!! Shit!!!" He cursed and pushed hard on the car brakes as the tyres made a screeching sound. The car pushed hard on the floor and tumbled over, flying over the screaming people on the pedestrian crossing who began to run for their lives. Scott's car kept tumbling over as he smashed into a city restaurant and burst into flames.


Ornelle was having a private dinner with June, Dominic, Alex and Mr Morgan. Usually she has her dinner in the large hall alongside members of the high table.

"Thank you for today Ornelle." June said thankfully and took a sip of her wine.

"It's just the beginning June. You are much more powerful than you think. The ancestors blessed you themselves." Ornelle said with a smile.

"I still don't know much about my powers. I know i can control water bodies and make a large explosion but its really nothing compared to what Dominic does and I'll need some sort of anger to make it work unlike his." June said as Dominic twitched his lips to reveal a brief smile.

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