What is Christmas?

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I don't own any of the rescue Bots academy characters, just my characters Tracy and Bobby and Tracy's cousin Jackson. Here is a link to the site I got the information about kissing under the Mistletoe
Link for more information about mistletoe

The recruits were heading to Earth culture class since they saw the Christmas special on TV an hour ago. Whirl was excited to learn about why humans were so excited about this holiday. Heatwave even asked Tracy and Bobby to help Cody teach the class. Tracy wasn't in the mood to teach the recruits about Christmas since this year would be the Christmas her family would celebrate with her mom. Tracy tries her best to stay in a festive mood when she and Bobby walk into the classroom.

"So, what is the first thing we are going to learn? Can we decorate the tree?" Whirl asks.

"Slow down, Whirl, that lesson three," Cody says.

"Yes, first you'll learn about the history of Christmas, then learn how it's celebrated around the world," Bobby says.

"Yes, I noticed that we might need at least three more boxes of lights to make sure that the tree has some going down the entire thing. Also, it looks like we're going to need several more boxes of ornaments. I'll be right back," Tracy says.

"Why did Tracy look so sad when Heatwave asked you two to help Cody teach the class?" Wedge asks.

"Yeah, I thought you said that this was one of her favorite Earth holidays," Hoist adds.

"It is Hoist, but Tracy's been through a lot this year," Bobby says.

"What do you mean," Hot Shot asks.

"Her mother died, so telling you about her family traditions will be hard for her," Bobby says.

"That's terrible," Whirl says.

"Why did she agree in the first place?" Medic asks.

"Even if she is feeling sad, I'm sure she is trying her best not to think about her mother's death and hoping that teaching all of you will help distract her from the grief she feels since this Christmas will be the first without her mother," Bobby says.

Tracy walks around the academy for a few minutes till she found the room where the Christmas things are, and she goes over to one of the boxes. After opening it up, she thought her heart dropped into her stomach, seeing the ornament on top of the pile, a white bulb with a cardinal surrounded by branches with red flowers on them.

How did my mom's favorite ornament even get here? Tracy thinks as she carefully takes it out.

Tracy remembers when she was four, and her mom let her put it on the tree. A few seconds later, Tracy is doing her best to keep herself from crying as a wave of grief washed over her. A few seconds later, tears start to escape from her eyes; she gently sets it back down and quickly closes the box.

"Tracy, are you okay?" Heatwave asks as he walks in, seeing the tears rolling down her face.

"Yes, Heatwave. I just had an eyelash in both of my eyes, that's all," Tracy says, turning around and quickly attempting to dry her tears along with stopping herself from crying.

"Tracy, you don't need to lie. We've noticed that you look sad all day," Heatwave says.

"I know, but I didn't want to bring the holiday spirit Cody and Bobby are trying to spread around the academy," Tracy says.

"Also, I'm not upset that you didn't tell me that you didn't want to teach the class with Cody and Bobby," Heatwave says.

"Thank you, I do want to teach the recruits about Christmas, but while I was walking around Griffin Rock with Cody and Bobby, the only thing it did was remind me of my mom," Tracy says.

"If you are felling up to teach right now, I understand. Whenever you're ready, you can go back. I'm sure the recruits would love to hear about how you celebrate Christmas with your family. " Heatwave says.

Tracy nods as she carefully stacks up the boxes and hands them to Heatwave. Back with the recruits, they are confused when Heatwave walks in with the rest of the Christmas decorations and lights.

"Hey HW, is Tracy coming back?" Hot Shot asks.

"Yes, Hot Shot, she'll come back when she feels like she's ready to," Heatwave says.

After placing the boxes next to the others, Heatwave leaves the room, and the boys start teaching the Recutis about Christmas's history. Fifteen minutes later, Cody and Bobby take turns telling them about their family traditions along with how Christmas is celebrated in Mexico and Germany.

"It is time to decorate the tree now," Whirl asks as she zips over to the boxes filled with the items needed to trim the tree.

"Yes, Whirl, we can trim the tree now," Cody says.

After the recruits work together to untangle several strings of Christmas lights and carefully put them on the tree. WHirl opens the box with the ornaments.

"Wow, this is so beautiful," Whirl exclaims as she carefully takes out the first ornament.

"That is Tracy's mom's favorite ornament. How did you get it?" Bobby asks.

"I ran into Tracy's cousin Jackson yesterday, and he gave it to me," Cody says.

"You should put it away, Whirl, to keep it safe," Bobby says.

Whirl nods and puts it back into the box. The recruits had a fun time decorating the tree. Then everyone works together, decking out the rest of the room with the rest of the decoration.

"What is this?" Medix asks, taking the mistletoe out of the box.

"It's mistletoe," Bobby says.

"Why is this a Christmas decoration?" Medix asks.

"Because Medix some people some people believe it is supposed to possess mystical powers which bring good luck to the household and wards off evil spirits," Tracy says as she walks in the room.

"Also in Scandinavia, it's considered a plant of peace, under which enemies could declare a truce, from that model, offered a way for warring spouses to kiss and make-up," Bobby adds.

"That too, but the kissing only happens when a couple gets caught underneath it," Tracy says, blushing.

"Do you want to put your mother's ornament on the tree?" Hot shot asks.

"Hot Shot," the recruits snap.

"What?" Hot shot says.

"Relax, recruits, I already saw it, and that's why I came back. I want to hang it up," Tracy says.

"Maybe I can help," Hot Shot says, as he changes into his firetruck mode.

Whirl takes out the ornament and hands it to Tracy. She carefully climbs up Hot Shot's ladder and smiles as she hangs it in the branch in front of her.

"Now, that's finished. How about we see if we can fill Hero Hall up with snow. Then get the rest of the teachers so we can have a snowball fight," Tracy says.

"I'm in," Hot Shot says.

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