What is Appendicitis?

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I'm using my OCs from Secrets and Superheroes for this one shot and a minor spoiler warning for a future chapter of that story. You'll find out why in the oneshot.

Ricky and Tracy still haven't spoken to their father since he told them the truth about their past. Tracy didn't want to eat Thanksgiving dinner at their father's house because it brought back too many memories. She didn't want to go home to her "parents," aka Aunt Addison and Uncle Mace's house either, since she was upset with them as well since they knew that Matias was her birth father but never told her.

"Hey, Tracy, are you supposed to leave soon to go to Thanksgiving dinner at your father's house?" Wheeljack asks.

"No, I'm not going," Tracy replies, "Thanks a lot, Wheeljack, because of you, Seaspray just died due to a crit since you distracted me, causing me to click the wrong move," Tracy continues.

"Seaspray isn't even here. He was sent to the Allspark. What are you doing anyway?" Wheeljack replies.

"I'm playing a Nuzlocke run of Randomize Pokemon Emerald Rom I downloaded on my phone, and Seaspray is the nickname I gave my Carvanha," Tracy replies as her Trainer. She names Prime, runs back to the pokémon center, and puts Seaspray in the dead box she called the Allspark.

"What is a Nuzlocke?" Wheeljack asks.

"It's a set of rules created to make the pokémon more of a challenge to players who already have played the game before," Tracy replies.

"What are the rules," Wheeljack says.

"You have to nickname all your Pokémon if a Pokémon faints, it's considered dead, and you can't use it anymore, you can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter on each route," Tracy says.

"Are there any more?" Wheeljack says.

"Yes, like not using Item in battle, no over leveling past the gym leaders ace pokémon and switching the battle mode to set," Tracy says.

"Are you using any of those as well," Wheeljack says.

"Just no over leveling, and I have the battle mode on set," Tracy says.

Wheeljack wants to learn more about a pokémon nuzlocke, so he turns on his holoform and heads up to the longe area. The holoform stands behind the armchair so he can see over Tracy's shoulder. Her current team is Ironhide the Steelix, Bluestreak the Swellow, Blades the Flygon, Jazz the Venipede, Mirage the Charizard, and Arcee the Makuhita.

"How did you find all these names to use anyway?" Wheeljack asks after seeing her current team displayed on the screen.

"I asked the others for names of other Cybertrions they knew before the war. I have them written down in the notepad," Tracy says, handing the pad to him.

Tracy got to the third gym and added Huffer the Slowbro to her team. She caught several other team members. The nicknames of the members are Howl, Snarl, and Kickback. She got through the gym battle with losing a member. It was a tight victory since Tracy had to explain to Wheeljack was STAB meant and how to tell when a mon was in crit range.

Tracy had to save the game as she entered Lavaeridge town since her battery was getting low. Tracy hadn't told anyone about the sharp pains she felt in her stomach the past few days since the pain medicine she's been taking did dull it enough to where she could go through her day and not be bothered by it. Tracy did go to ER in amber Beach, but the doctor didn't run any tests. He just told her to suck it up. The pain she was experiencing was period cramps. Tracy tried to explain to the doctor that this pain wasn't from that since she learned how to track her cycle. The doctor didn't listen and just told her to go home and take some pain medicine.

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