Anthony, are you Skipping school?

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I am using characters from New Teammates. Also, I got some of the information about Martin Luther King from this website

Anthony runs into the living quarters in the training center. Now that he has his license, and excited that he can ride along with one of the bots without having one of his parents sitting in the passenger seat continually telling him to use his turn signal and not to speed.

"Hey, Blurr, how about we use the ground bridge to go visit Bumblee and his team. Maybe we could go on a mission with them," Anthony says.

"Hold on, how come you aren't in school. WOn't your mom be upset that your skipping?" Blurr asks.

"Relax, Blurr. I'm not skipping, today is Martin Luther King Day, the school is closed," Anthony explains.

"Who is Martin Luther King?" Blurr asks.

"I can't remember, history wasn't my best subject," Anthony answers.

"Before you go anywhere, I suggest that you call your mother to tell you where you're going," Quickshadow says as she walks in.

"I left a note before I left the house," Anthony says.

"That's good, I guess, but did your parents' permission to go?" Quickshadow asks.

"Yes, besides, she and my dad went to the doctor for mom's monthly check-up to see how the triplets are growing," Anthony lies, knowing full well that the doctor's office wasn't open because of the holiday.

"How is Tracy doing?" Quickshadow asks.

"She is great, mom said that next month she'd find out the triplets gender," Anthony says.

"Will she tell everyone once she finds out?" Blurr asks.

A few seconds later, they hear the ground bridge turning on. Animal force and Medic, along with Anthony's parents, walk out.

"Hi, mom and dad, what's up?" Anthony asks.

"Nice try, young man, your father and I are happy that you left us a note," Tracy says.

"But, you just can't go off to visit Bee and his team without our permission," Antonio snaps.

"So, can I still go?" Anthony asks.

"No, you can not, you're coming home to help your father set up the nursery for the triplets," Tracy says.

"But, you don't know the triplets gender yet, so you can't paint the walls yet," Anthony says.

"That's why we painted the walls white and bought some peel and stick wallpaper," Tracy says.

"I'm sorry, to interrupt, but who is Martin Luther King, again?" Blurr asks.

"Martin Luther King was a reverend that believed in equal treatment everyone, no matter what color of their skin," Tracy says.

"He a civil-rights activist," Antonio adds.

"So, humans are treated differently depended on the color of their skin?" Quickshadow asks.

"Not today, but earlier in Earth's history, they were. If someone had black skin, they had to sit on a different section of a bus," Antonio says.

"Is he still alive?" Blurr asks.

"No, he was shot by an assassin in April of1968," Antonio says.

"I also read that his house even bombed," Tracy adds.

"But now it everyone is treated equally regardless of the color of their skin, that means his protests were effective," Quickshadow says.

"Yes, in 1956, the supreme court ruled that laws forcing Black and white people to be separated on busses or in other public areas were unconstitutional," Tracy says.

"Did he also do some speech called "I have a dream," Blurr says.

"Yes, and when he was 35, he was the youngest person at the time to receive the Nobel peace prize," Tracy says.

"So to honor him and his important contribution to Earth's history. All of the children in America get the day off of school." Quickshadow says.

"Well, yes, plus the banks, post office, and other federal places are closed as well," Tracy says.  

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