The Holiday Season After A Loss

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The characters used are from Tough Decisions

Normal POV

Tracy knocks on the door at Jack's house. She still is having a tough time celebrating the holidays without her Aunt. Thanksgiving wasn't the same without her famous sweet potato casserole. Now, her Christmas spirit wasn't as strong as it usually is at the begging of December. She didn't have the motivation to help anyone decorate or sing any carols. June opens the door. Tracy looks over her shoulder, seeing Jack holding a box of Christmas decorations.

"Tracy, come in." June says, inviting Tracy inside, "We're just about to start decking the halls. You're welcome to join us," June continues reaching down to take a wreath out of the box to the left of the door.

"No, thank you, June." Tracy says, "I was hoping that Jack could let me borrow Arcee for a bit to take a ride around the block," Tracy continues.

"Sorry, Tracy, I asked her to help us out, so she could learn more about Christmas," Jack says.

"That's fine. I'll take a walk," Tracy says, turning around to leave.

Tracy lets herself out, and June sees a confused look on her son's face when she looks over at him.

"Mom, why is Tracy acting the Grinch?" Jack asks.

"Yes, Matias told us that Tracy's favorite time of the year is what the humans call 'The holiday season.' She didn't look a little sad," Arcee adds as she walks in the room.

"If I'd had to guess that the grief of Mary's death must be hitting Tracy hard, especially now," June says.

Tracy's POV

This Christmas won't be the same without you, Aunt Mary. I should be happy, but my heart hurts too much right now. I wish grief didn't decide to hit me like a dagger today. Everyone is trying to teach the Autobots about Christmas, but I can't help out I"m just not feeling up to it.

I pass by several houses and see the families putting up lights and other decorations. I stop in front of Andrea Sergeant's house. She was one of Aunt Mary's friends. Andrea finished tieing down her inflatable snowman and walk over to me.

"Hi, Tracy, how are you doing today, dear?" Andrea asks.

"Okay, I guess, things seem so different without having Mary here," I reply.

"I know, dear, it's hard for me too. I'm going to miss getting one of Mary's handmade Christmas decorations for my tree this year," Andrea says.

"Yeah, Aunt Mary was a very artistic person," I sigh.

"Aunt Andrea, can we start decorating the tree now," a little kid shouts from the front porch.

"Sorry, Tracy, it was nicing seeing again, dear, I have to go, my niece, along with the rest of the little ones, are eager to trim to the tree," Andrea says.

"It okay. Go ahead," I say.

"Thank you, dear, Merry Christmas," Andrea says.

"Same to you and your family," I say, forcing a smile.

Andrea turn around and head to the house. I walk into town and go into the ice cream shop. When I enter the store is playing Christmas music over the speakers. I hear "Dominick the Christmas donkey." It's one of Aunt Mary's favorite Christmas songs begin to play as I walk up to the counter and order myself a hot chocolate.

"Here you are," the worker says.

"Thank you," I say, handing him the money.

I leave the shop and continue my stroll through town. I'm starting to feel a mixture of anger and more sadness build up inside me as it seemed like everything around me would spark memories of Aunt Mary. I finished drinking my hot chocolate and threw the cup away before I ducked into an alleyway near me.

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