RID 2015 Jazz x Cybertronian Reader

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Requested by TransformersG1Fan 

You and Jazz are flying back to Earth to visit one of his friends - the Bumblebee. After the ship landed, you were trying to keep yourself calm when he placed his hand on top of yours as you started to over think about several possible situations of making a fool of yourself in front of Bumblebee's team and then Jazz will never ask you to join him on another visit to earth. You looked over at him and got lost in his optics.

"So, [Y/N], first, you need to pick out an Earth appropriate vehicle mode so you can blend in. Then we can head to Bee's base," Jazz said.

"I could just scan your vehicle mode. it is cool," You said in a goofy voice.

"Thanks, [Y/N], but I think you should pick a different one. This planet does have other cool vehicles; I bet you'll find another one that's even cooler than mine," Jazz said.

Jazz took his hand away, and you blinked a few times as he turned around to bring up a list of Earth Vehicles on the ship's computer screen. After you returned to reality, you scrolled through the list till you find a picture of an Earth car that looks like your Cybertronian form but even cooler.

"I guess I'll scan this one," You said.

"Nice choice," Jazz complimented.

Then you leave the ship, transform and follow Jazz to Bumblebee's base. After you and Jazz transformed back into your robot forms, he leads you to the command center.

"Welcome back Jazz," Bumblebee said.

"So, who's your new girlfriend?" Sideswipe asked.

"Sideswipe, everyone, this is [Y/N]. She is an intern, the big bots let me take her under my wing," Jazz answered as he placed his arm around your shoulder.

"So, they are letting you mentor someone that's great," Bumblebee says.

"Thanks, Bee, [Y/N] is brave and strong." Jazz said.

"Come on Jazz. I'm not Prime strong, or even brave as Bumblebee. I'm just average strength." You said bashfully.

"Bee, do you think [Y/N] and I could tag along on your next mission?" Jazz asked.

"Sure, but for now maybe [Y/N] and Strongarm could go on patrol so she can get used to navigating the area," Bumblebee suggested.

"Sound good to me Sir," Strongarm said.

Jazz takes his arms off your shoulder. You walk over to Strongarm, and the two of you transform then drive away. When you get a few miles down the road, Strongarm decided to break the silence.

"So, [Y/N], what has Jazz taught you?" Strongarm asked.

"He has taught me that sometimes you have to be flexible and think on your feet when your original plan goes south," You answered.

Then a few seconds late you went into crush mode. You started to list off all the things you liked about Jazz. You get so distracted that you hit a big rock and go flying into the air. You transformed and slammed into a tree. You groan holding your head as Strongarm sprints up to you.

"Are you okay?" Strongarm asked as she helped you up.

"Yes, I don't know why that keeps happening to me," You said.

"Do you think that you might have feelings for Jazz?" Strongarm asked.

Strongarm couldn't be right, can she? I mean I do get a little flustered when he puts his arm around my shoulder or brags about me to his friends. I can't be possibly falling for him, right? You thought.

I hope you liked my second reader insert. I felt like this was a good place to end it just in case any of you want a part 2?

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