April Fools Day Version 2

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I'm going to use characters from my story Autobots and Power Rangers. Another super shot one, my bad.

Trish finishes getting ready for school. She looks at the calendar on the wall, and a big frown appears on her face when she finds out its April 1st.

'Great, I have to spend the whole school day making sure that Vince doesn't humiliate me,' Trish thinks as she puts her bookbag on her back.

She goes downstairs and eats breakfast. Then heads outside to wait for Wheeljack. His holoforms walks up to her.

"Hey, Trish, why did you want to get to school early today?" Wheeljack asks.

"I'll explain on the way," Trish says.

They get into the car and drive to the school.

"So, why are we getting to school earlier than usual?" Wheeljack asks.

"At least for me on my list of least favorite days of the school year today tops the list," Trish sighs, "It's April Fools day," Trish continues as she slumps down in her seat.

"What is April Fools day and why do you hate it?" Wheeljack asks.

"Its kind of a holiday where the tradition is to play practical jokes on people," Trish says.

"I'm guessing that some of these pranks can be mean," Wheeljack says.

"Yes, last year Vince put duct tape on my desk so when I sit down my pants would rip when I stood up to leave." Trish says, "I'm not looking forward to what Vince planned to do to me this year," Trish continues with a long sigh.

She slowly gets out after Wheeljack parks and turns off the engine. Wheeljack wishes he could help Trish out somehow. Trish gets to her locker and slowly opens it to make sure Vince didn't rig up something to pour on her. She smiles and puts all her things inside then heads to class. Trish is happy and a bit shocked since Vince went through the entire school day without pranking anyone.

Wheeljack and the others drive into the parking lot to change for their human partners to come out. Wheeljack spots Vince, and two other boys had rigged up a bucket over the front door. He sees the school bully smirk as other student give him a thumbs up just as Trish walks out. Vince pulls the string and the buckets contents spill all over her. As Trish wipes the gunk away from her eyes, she looks around to see several students laugh at her. She runs down the stairs and into the alley a few feet away from the school. The teen sits down next to the dumpster and starts to cry.

'I knew it was too good to be true for me to believe the Vince could go the entire day without pranking me,' Trish thinks as more tears stream down her face.

After Trish stopped crying, she feels something like a small sheet of sandpaper run across her wrist. Trish wipes away a few stray tears and looks down to see a 12 week of orange and tan stripped kitten licking her arm. She reaches over with her left hand and picks it up.

"Hey, there little one where did you come from?" Trish asks as she starts to pet it.

She sets it down on her lap, and the kitten crawls up onto her chest. Then it starts to rub her cheek with its whiskers. Trish starts to chuckle as she hears the kitten begins to purr. A few seconds later, she stands up and holds the kitten in her arms as she walks out of the alley.

'Well it looks like I found a new cute furry friend, so one of Vince's pranks may have had a good outcome after all,' Trish thinks.

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