Chapter Twenty Eight- Always And Forever

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I was in a business meeting with our business associates, they were numerous and to say the least, so tiring.

In business,primarily everyone wants their opinions heard,and as they continued arguing about this or that my mind kept wandering to Claire and I wondered how she was doing, it's been two weeks since she forgave me and let me back into her life,and although these two weeks were wonderful and all I can dream of,it was also one of the most torturous,because Peter never stopped calling with different numbers,primarily to threaten me of how he would crush me out of existence,and take my wife and kids away. I involved the police and they were always on his trail

Well,I didn't worry about myself I worry for them,what he could do to them,for that reason I tightened the security at Los Angeles where my sister and kids were. I also did the same for Claire, but she was just to stubborn to allow guards follow her around.

Just yesterday, I dreamt that she was shot and she fell into my arms lifeless.
The thought scared me more.......

"Isn't that right Mr. King!?" Mr clardossa asked me cutting off from my thoughts

" Excuse me, you mind going over that part again" I said as I looked over everyone and saw them staring at me, he gave me a scowl before he proceeded, essence of being the boss.

The meeting was rounded off in the next one hour but I couldn't help but feel restless, something was wrong and I could feel it deep in me.

After the meeting I went to my office and proceeded to work, picking files, reviewing balances, profits, purchases and all, but to say the least my mind wasn't in that, it had wandered far away....

The ringing of my phone brought me back to earth, it was an unknown number and I guessed it will be Peter with one of his empty threats again. I picked it up

"What the hell do you want" I growled

"I have her with me now!!!!!! " Was the only one thing he said and I felt everything in me snap

"I swear, if you do anything to hurt her, am gonna kill you!!!!!!! " I shouted only to hear the call end.

Oh My God!!!!

I woke up as I felt suffocated in the place where I was,I felt a sting on my cheek and wondered were that came from until realised that some bi*ch was hitting me to get me to wake up.

My vision was not clear yet as the bi*ch hit me again,I felt my cheek burn so badly and that was when I realised that she had been hitting me for a while.

My hearing cleared as I heard her swearing seriously.... I tried to move and soon realized that my hands and legs were strapped to the chair so tight that it hurt my skin.

She was about to hit me again when a man stopped her,my cheeks really hurt bad by now because she was even hitting me with her ringed finger .

She cussed out loud as she said
"Can't I at least have a little fun now?"

"No you can't,and don't ever try this sh*t again,otherwise I will be doing it to your face,got that?"She eyed him before she walked away... I looked around to see a large room,probably the kidnappers house,with a big bed and a cushion at the side

I looked up to see the man and my eyes met the man who Oliver called his best friend,in a way he was also a friend to me and my kids,to say I was shocked was an understatement....

"You,Peter,you are behind this?" I asked terribly hurt

He bent to my level as he spoke

"Why are you so shocked darling,of course I am a part of this,but I promise I am only doing this for you,okay?" He said as he rubbed my face,I move my head back disgusted at this useless feature I was seeing of him now

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