Chapter Twenty Three- Trust

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Please read author's note at the end....


I was determined.....
I'm going to settle oliver today, I'm not gonna cower like a child,crying and explaining to him. I'm gonna confront him.

No,scratch that.
I'm gonna fight if that's what I need to do because now?
My broken heart was replace with anger and pain.

I drove my car into the the garage,got down and stormed into the house. There was no need to avoid anyone because Oliver fired all of them.

I was about to take the long flight of stairs when a hand wrapped around mine.

I turned around ready to pounce on the person who has the guts to touch me at a time like this.

"Claire dear,what has gotten into you!" Esperanza said with tears in her eyes,I instantly melted.

"Esperanza it's nothing,I'm okay...."

"No you are not okay,don't tell me you are okay" she said now sobbing.

"For the past one month I have not enjoyed a single peace and you are telling me that you are okay? You and oliver are not on good terms and you are telling me you are okay? You even walked past me for Christ sake"

I could feel the bottled up pain in her. I quickly embraced her and suppressed the tears willing to fall. I pulled away from her and held her hands.

"Esperanza,the last time I said I was going to bring back the former boss,did I fail? I am going to treat his f*ck up?She shook her head.

"I am telling you now that I am going to bring back my husband, I'm not gonna disappoint you"


Okay I said I was going to get oliver back,but when I look at it,the last time I said that,I got a punch in my stomach that almost granted me a free ticket to heaven.

I was sitting in Oliver's dark room with the pictures I had printed from my printer immediately I got back.

Immediately I got back home,I took a shower and changed my cloth into a black cropped top and loose trousers.

I had written a note and had it placed by the bedside. I was really hoping he would come.

I was waiting patiently for two hours when all of a sudden the door opened revealing the one and only oliver.


I was exhausted and immediately I entered the house I went straight to my room and had a quick shower.

I was still drying myself in the towel when I saw a written note at the bedside. I picked it up and read through:

'Meet me at the dark room,let's settle this once and for all'

No one could have written this apart from Claire,she has been giving me this silent attitude. Which I hated so much but I guess I really left her with no choice. But what suddenly turned her mind around to want to settle this now?

Well let's find out.


I looked at oliver who was wearing a black singlet and loose black pants. Man he looked hot...
But that's not the point,now is it?
Cause that's just in my head and it's not like he's gonna hear it.

We kept on staring at each other with deadly glares,just when I thought it was never gonna end....

"Start talking" he said lowly in his deep baritone voice. I continued staring as I saw him relax in the wall crossing his arms.

"Nothing?" He asked again.

I turned around and grabbed the white envelope that I had put the pictures in and slipped the three out.

"Here,this are pictures I found on your laptop and I would like some explanation"

He scoffed and gave a very bitter laugh.
" Finally,you got to know what you knew before? Took you long enough"

I closed my eyes and controlled the burning rage in me.

"What do you mean oliver" I asked with anger in my voice. He got out of his relaxed position and came towards me until he was in front of me.

"You are acting childish Claire,how can a grown woman like you just find out what she has been doing for a while now?" He said dangerously low and I looked directly into his eyes searching for the unknown.

"Have you checked the pictures,who did you see there?"

"Oliver,that was not me, you are jumping to conclusions"
"Jumping huh?" He said as he let out a loud laugh.

"You are the one who jumped on a man outside our marriage!" He shouted and I was shocked.

"You are one person I no longer want,but because of my kids,I have no damn choice but to stay with a frustrated woman" I was really getting over the edge now.

"You know what you are Claire? You are a whore,a desperate whore!!"

As he let out those words my anger strode in full dominance and I felt my hand involuntarily collide with his face.

I slapped him,yes. How did he even think that I would cheat on him?

My slap didn't budge him and with full force of my hands I pushed him further away from me.

"You believed a picture over me? You couldn't even ask me? You couldn't analyse the picture to see that there's fakeness to it? You didn't even trust me?
You punished me for a month because of something that isn't even true, not only me but also the kids. In my entire life, I only loved you oliver, my first everything was you. I didn't sleep with anyone when I was single then why should I do that when I married?" I shouted in tears as I saw his face soften at my words.

"You know what? I'm out" I said as I began to walk towards the door.

Just when I was at the door,I turned back to see him already looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"And oliver the last time,we were here the last thing you heard me say in the video I gave to you was 'I love you'.." I said with a deep throaty laugh.

"But right now I am telling you that...." I stepped closer to him.

"I....HATE....YOU.....OLIVER" I said and walked away from him,out of the door and out of his life.

Just the way he wanted. Damn fighting to bring you back. Damn falling for you Oliver King.


Hello lovelies,you don't know how much I have missed you all.
I had to focus on my exams and leave writing for a little while(which was like hell,believe me)

But it's done and dusted now.

Sorry for keeping all my beautiful people waiting for so long,but I'm back now,like officially back. So thanks for all your patience. I love you all for that.

Actually,this story is coming to an end in a few chapters(which I'm not really excited about,but everything with a beginning,definitely has an end)
So what are you thoughts on this chapter
Don't forget to vote,comment and share. They really keep me going. Love y'all.


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