Chapter Nineteen-Bullet

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    It is said that most times life is full of surprises, and I have figured just how true it is. I have had the best life in the last three years. My husband,my kids and esperanza has always been with me,drowning my worries away,I even forgot that I once had a different family.

   Oliver, built another 'KINGS COMPANY' a year ago and now I was in charge of the former company he was handling.

Oliver insisted that new workers should be brought to take care of the kids even though I was against it,but all the same I still had a perfect family.

   "Darling, I just picked the kids from school.....I'm on my way home......see you when you get back okay......bye,kids say bye to daddy"

"Bye daddy" they both shouted in unison as I hung up.

"Okay,Danielle and Daniel,how was school today?"

"And mum,did you know that Danielle and I got an applaud from the whole class because we got a question which no one could answer" Daniel said making me chuckle.
   "Oh that's nice,I love that,you guys are very bright,can you applaud yourselves once more,let's just make it a recap" I said as they applauded once again making me chuckle.

  Immediately I hung up my call with claire, my assistant knocked on my door. At least if I could count,she has been in this company for 7 months.
  "Come in"
She was wearing a very short dress which hung to her curves and the lady was using damn heavy make-up.
Her blonde hair was parted in the middle and moved as if she compelled them to,when she strode towards me in those heels which should have been impossible to walk in,for Christ sake,they added three inches to her height.

Claire would need to be in only a towel,and I would be drooling over her,not this....
  "Hello sir" she said.
"Yes,secretary,what do you want?" I really had to act cold with her,I mean the lady dresses as if she has someone to seduce and with the way she looks at me,who knows?"

"There is someone here,he wants to see you sir"
" Mr Parrish Alfred sir"
  "Uhm...let him in" I said
"Okay,sir" she said as I saw a book slide from her hands.
   "Sorry sir,if you don't mind can I get this?"
"Go ahead" I mumbled and it was as of that was the only command she needed before swooping into action. She bent to her lowest revealing her panties.

I quickly turned my chair around to face my glass window.

  "What's this woman up to?" I mumbled to myself.
    I really don't know why she didn't use the phone instead of coming up here.

I heard the clicking of those stupid heels,the shutting of the door and the opening of the door and someone strode into my office.

"Hello sir,I'm Mr Parrish Alfred"
I stood up and stretched my hand.

"I'm sure you know who I am already,Oliver King"
"Well,have a seat" he said.
"I have a business proposal to make".
  " Interesting, let's talk about business"


  I was on my way home with the kids,I wasn't on any high speed or anything but I felt something hit my tyre with such force,which caused me to stop.

  "Mum,what's wrong" Daniel asked.
   "Honey,I'll go check it out okay,so you both stay in the car okay?"
I stepped down to look at the tyre and I saw something    "what?" I gasped.
    "Mum,what's that?" Danielle asked from the car.
  "Oh nothing dear,it's just a flat tyre,I'll tell your dad,that we had a flat tyre,okay?"
  "Okay,mum" they said in unison.
  But I knew it was not just a flat tyre,it was a bullet.



I was discussing about the business proposal of Parrish with my best friend when a call from Claire came in,so he excused me.

   " did that happen.....listen my love,I'll call the driver to pick you guys up,please you guys shouldn't get hurt,I'll be home soon......okay bye babe......I love you" I said and hung up.

Ten minutes after I had finished my call with Claire,I got a message alert on my laptop. I wanted to ignore it but I thought,what would it take?
  It may be important.

But as I opened the laptop,I immediately wished that I didn't open it at all.

  Tears formed in my eyes as i  stared at the laptop.



Hello everyone,you all can't believe how excited I am.
Oh my God, 4k reads. I am so happy that you all supported me in this book.
It has been a long wait,so this is another chapter,but watch out for the next,let me just stop there,I don't want to spill the surprise yet.

   Expect an update tomorrow or next,because this chapter is quite short,but trust me,the next time I update,it will be long enough.

Keep the votes and the comments coming, they really inspire me to write a lot.

So,what's gonna happen in the next chapter,make sure you all check it out.

Don't forget to  vote,comment and share,it means a lot.

Love y'all.



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