Chapter Three- Broken

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This chapter is dedicated to nikkisweetok,and this is for your support,your love and comments. This shows how grateful I am.

Okay everyone I am so sorry it took forever to update, some things came up but thanks for your love and patience I am finally updating.


(Picture of Claire above)

She was lovely,beautiful and all I could ask for. I had never imagined my bride to be to be so beautiful.

She had excellent curves that anyone could die for and was dark skinned just like her dad.

But I would just marry her and there would be nothing between us. We would marry for our parent's bargain and that's all.

I watched her shocked face as she left the table.
I had also been now it was her turn.


I was choking,my breath was seizing.
I was so angry,how could my parents allow me marry that man,I always hated him.

I continued running up the stairs to the very place that had been my favourite spot as a child .

Tears I didn't acknowledge was rolling down my cheeks.

"Claire please stop"

I turned around and looked at my mother with all the anger in my heart.

I was so pissed.

"Why did you do this to me mother, I loved you mom,I cared for you and this is what you do ,I'm really-----"

"Enough" she shouted cutting me off.

I could see the tears in her eyes and for the first time,they didn't hurt me.

"You think this is what I want,no you don't know anything,I had to agree to the condition at the time" she shouted.

"What condition huh,what condition" I screamed.

"That you would marry oliver king" she shouted back.

I was shocked. I barely heard her shout let alone she screaming at me.

"Your father had an accident and there was no money to take care of his operation,the business was falling"she said as she turned away from me.

" I went to the kings to ask for their financial support with the promise that I would payback,but they demanded something bigger from me"she said turning back to me.


" Esther came here one day when you were little and she really loved you,she came towards you and said,one day little one I will make you a part of the kings family so when all this popped up she took the opportunity she had"

"They made the bargain when you were ten and it's been fourteen years, they promised to come when you turn 24 and you turned 24 last month" she said letting out those words that crushed me,had she not been my mother only God knows what I would have done to her.

" And you are just telling me all this now?!So what happens if I don't because I don't want to" I said.

"Then your father and I will go bankrupt again and 10 years of our lives behind bars" she confessed.

"Are they so heartless?"

"No child,this was what I signed myself,so if you don't,this is our fate" she said.

"Mom but why didn't you tell me?

" I was separated from you and your father "she said.

" Yeah,and who's fault is that?"

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