Chapter Eight- Engulfed

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Last night, I talked with Claire about a lot of things. We talked about high school,college and work. She told me how she beat up a guy when she was sixteen and in high school, because he played with her friend's heart. She was fun to talk to.

I opened my eyes and looked at Claire,she seemed like she had reached the skies. But I don't know why this is happening,why she beating up one of the strongest guys in her school was like the brightest memory in my head. With the way she sounded,she made it seem like there was something else attached to it.

I brushed everything away,took a shower and went off to work
2 months later

Today is the 21st of June,tomorrow would be my most dreaded day,the day I would keep myself in my yearly dilemma,which I had been accustomed to for the past five years,it would not make a difference.

I got out of bed,I didn't want her to see me in bed staring at her. I went to my bathroom and had a quick bath,today is a work day anyway.
I picked out a grey suit from my suit closet,and marvelled at the way claire had selected my suit by color and put them in their specific section so it would not be difficult to find any suit I want from my suit,I don't know how but she manages to put everything in place without even knowing it. This days in the office were all about her,I couldn't get her out of mind my f*cking head,my mind always drifted to her and I even took pictures of her in secret and I would stare at it in the office almost all day.

I know this wasn't what I planned but this lady was getting to me in more ways than Maria ever did,I shook my head and headed out of my closet.
I worked a little on my face and hair, before I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, I looked around for Claire but I didn't see her anywhere soI got into my car and drove off.


"Tomorrow is Oliver's birthday" esperanza said.

"What,I almost forgot" I exclaimed as I munched hungrily on a sandwich.

"Well,no need to be surprised dear"

"Why not?"
"We don't celebrate it anyway"
"Why?" I exclaimed.
"Because he doesn't want to, he locks himself up in a room in the memory of Maria, no one will see him until the 23rd of June,no one dares go near that room,this has been on for four years now."

I did a little thinking before an idea struck me.

"Uhm, esperanza,I have to get ready" I said as I got up.

"To go where?" She asked.
"There is something really important that I have to do before tomorrow" I said as I ran to my room and changed my clothes. I wore a black top and black trousers,the place I was going didn't demand to much attention in the clothes line.

I went downstairs to the parking lot,picked a car and drove off.


I hit the card store and got a birthday card and had it packaged in a beautiful box. At least Oliver deserved it. My oliver deserved it.

I was starting to care,starting to fall for him,well there's nothing wrong in that,he is my husband and I need to get him back to myself, instead of leaving him to unseen people or an unseen person........Maria.

She died under some circumstance but I am sure she would want him to move on too.

And so do I.

Back at home.

I got down from my car and got into the house and picked up my phone and called my boss.

"Hello sir" I said.
"Hello,miss or sorry Mrs. Williams, how are you?" My boss said on the other line.

"Fine sir"
"I have a proposal to make sir" I said hoping he would accept my terms.
"Let's hear it" he said once again.

"Sir,can I be on leave for just two months?"
"Mrs. Williams, you want to take a leave for two months, why?" He asked.

"Just family issues,please sir will you do me this favour? Its either this or me resigning." I said.

"Well because you are one of the most loyal and trustworthy employees,I will grant you this, but after two months you are coming back here"

I was very astonished,I didn't expect him to be so ready to answer me willingly, he isn't like this ,well let's say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'

"Thank you very much sir,it won't be as long as that,I hope,bye sir" I said making myself as brief as possible.

"See you later Mrs. Williams"
And the line disconnected.

"Well that's done now, time for one last thing"

I raced upstairs and brought out a phone. I wrote a note and placed it in the box of the birthday card as I started making a video clip.

"I know of a man named Oliver king......."


JUNE 22.
At 12 o'clock in the morning,I went to freshen up and then changed into a black shirt and a pair of jeans. It will be nice to have a bath since I won't be having any today,so I did that in five minutes.

I left Claire sleeping and went downstairs to my room,my most dreaded place. I knew no one was going to come there so I didn't bolt the door.

I took off my shirt and sat on the ground. At least I told the maids to clean it everyday,there was not even a speck of dust there.

Tears flooded my eyes as memory of that woman came back,maria.

It hurts,but the pain was not as heartbreaking as the last four years,why is that?

I wanted to feel my pain, but the pain lessened more and it made me feel frustrated,I raked my hand through my hair as I wept.

I miss her,I wish she was here. But that was not the point,it was as if I didn't want to miss her anymore.

Pictures of Claire kept coming back to my head when I tried to think of maria and it totally engulfed me...

"What the f*ck is happening,I won't fall for Claire" I said through gritted teeth.


Today is the day I would change the man I now want. I took my bath and went downstairs with the birthday gift I got for Oliver.

"Esperanza,good morning " I said immediately I saw her.

"Morning child,and what's that beautiful box in your hand?"

"It's for..."

But just before I completed my statement,I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I clenched my stomach tightly and managed to stifle a groan.

"What's wrong dear?"

"Nothing esperanza,I just need you to show me the room where he stays today"

" Listen dear,I know I told you to do this but I don't think I am ready anymore"

"Please esperanza,no woman wishes for this,help me please"


We walked around,turning left and right before we got to a huge room.

"Best of luck,dear" she said as she gave me a hug and It was as if that was my last hug on earth.

"Thanks esperanza" I told her as she turned and left.

"God help me" I said as I turned the door bolt which opened only for me to see a dark room.

I looked around for a switch and turned on the light as bright light engulfed everywhere.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a deep cold voice say and I turned around slowly.



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