Headhunters {Part.3}

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(START 1:26-1:56) [Pretend you're there]

⚠️{Your POV}

While I was daydreaming about the screams of innocence souls, I hear PT gasp.

Dipper: "Guys! there's only one person left on this list!"

Ss also gasps.

Mabel: "Of course, it all adds up!"

[Y/N]: "Yeah!"

{Random house}

Bubbles: "You kids better be right about this or you'll never get the end of it..."

Dipper: "The evidence is irrefutable..."

Mabel: "It's so irrefutable..."

[Y/N]: "Yeah officer Bubbles..."

They all give me a weird look as I just don't pay any attention to their weird stares.

Durban: "Anyways, I'm gonna get to use my match stick!"

Bubbles: "You ready? You ready little fella...?"

They both started poking each other well shouting 'hoo, hoo!'.

'Bunch of freaks I tell ya' I thought to myself with a disgusted look.

Dipper: "On 3! 1, 2, ..."

Then, officer Durban smashes the door while screaming.

Bubbles: "Nobody move! This is a raid!"

We then see Toni yelp while falling down.

Ton—Toby: "What is this? Some kind of raid...?"

Then Durban goes all berserk and smashes a lamp.

Durban: "Derp!"

Dipper: "Toby Determined, you're under arrest for murder of the wax body of Grunkle Stan..."

Mabel: "You have the right to remain impressed with our awesome detective work..." She said while high-fiving Dipper and I.

[Y/N]: "That's right!" I happily agreed.

Toby: "Gobbling goose feathers! I don't understand!"

Dipper: "Let me explain..."

He then goes on explaining about the clues and how they all point towards Toni and I'm guessing the Author is too lazy to type out the whole flashback.


Ss then crumples a newspaper.

Mabel: "Toby Determined, you're yesterday's news..."

I just hummed in agreement while nodding.

Toby: "Boy, you're little knees must be sore... from jumping to conclusions..."

He then starts dancing like the weirdo he is.

Toby: "... Hachacha! I had nothing to do with that murder..."

Dipper: "I knew it! Wait, what did you say? Nothing? You say nothing...?" He said in a very confused tone.

Mabel: "Could you repeat...?"

Bubbles: "Then where were you at the night of the break-in...?"

Toby: "Ehh..."

He then inserts a tape into a TV; It's starts playing and we see him taking a cardboard cutout of Shandra Jimenez out of his closet.

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