The Time Traveler's Pig{Part.3}

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⚠️{No one's POV}⚠️

Dipper: "So wait a minute, if you're from the future, do you have like a time machine or something...?"

Blendin: "That's...kinda how it works..." He replied.

Dipper then sees Robbie and Wendy riding the Ferris wheel, happily enjoying each other's company.

Dipper: "Can I use your time machine just once...?"

Blendin: "Out of the question! You know, this is sensitive extremely complicated time equipment..." He says as he pulls out tape measure to show them.

[Y/N] then starts giggling.

Dipper: "It looks like a tape measure..."

Blendin: "You shut your time-mouth!"

Dipper: "Is this making any sense to you...?" He asked his sister and friend.

Mabel: "I think he's just crazy..."

[Y/N]: "Yeah, but I still want that measure tape..."

Dipper: "...tape measure..." He muttered while correcting his friend.

[Y/N] was then about talk back, but was interrupted by Blendin.

Blendin: "Oh! You don't believe me...?" He then once again pulls the tape measure.

Blendin, along with the Mystery trio, disappear and then reappear a few seconds later in old fashioned clothes.

Blendin: "Guess where I was!"

Dipper & Mabel: "Whoa..."

[Y/N]: "Meh..." He muttered uninterested tone.

Blendin: "That's right! 15 years ago there was a costume shop right here! One second..."

They then disappear and reappear in their original time period. Blendin's suit then randomly catches fire while [Y/N] laughs.

Blendin: "Ah! Aw, heck! Pat! Pat down!" He shouted as he pats the fire out.

[Y/N]: "Anyway, who are you...?" He said while picking dirt out of his ear with an uninterested look.

Blendin: "Blendin Blandin, Time Anomaly Removal Crew year twenty snyeventy-twelve. My mission is to stop a series of time anomalies that are suppose to happen at this very location! But-but I don't see any anomalies! I don't know if it's some kind of paradox, or I'm just really tired......"

Blendin then sits down.

Dipper: "You know, you sound like you could use a break..." He suggested.

Mabel: "Definitely, definitely. Might we recommend one of the various attractions at the Mystery Fair...?"

[Y/N]: "Yeah! We hundred percent guarantee you'll enjoy the attraction!" He added.

The time traveler was then quick to get from the sudden offer.

Blendin: "You know what? What the heck! I'm worth it!" He proudly shouted.

Blendin then leaves to go check out the various types of attractions in the fair.

Blendin: "...but I've got my eye on you! Ehhh...ehhh..."

Blendin then arrives at the barrel ride, which Soos is busy operating.

Blendin: "One please..." He kindly asked for a barrel.

Soos: "Uh, sorry dude but you're gonna have to take your belt off for the ride. One of your tools might fly off and accidentally fix something..." He said.

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