Bottomless Pit{Part.2}

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Mabel, [Y/N], Wendy and Soos were outside the Shack on the lawn with Waddles.

Mabel: "Ready...?"

All: "Spin the Pig!!" They clamour and spin Waddles until he stopped pointing at Stan.

Mabel: "Hey! Grunkle Stan. Ever kissed a pig before...?"

Stan: "I'm not gonna answer that question...."

Dipper: "Guys! I think I just got bit by a snake! I need you to get me to a hospital quick!" He cried out as he ran up to the group.

Dipper: "What? What's so funny...?" He asked as his Grunkle laughed at him while his friend snickered.

Stan: "Sorry. It's just hard to focus on what you're saying with that squeaky puberty voice you got there..."

[Y/N] then began laughing at Stan's statement.

Dipper: "My what...?"

Mabel: "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dipper...."

[Y/N]: "Exactly, your voice is just hillaaarrious!" He said as he imitates Dipper's voice.

Mabel: "Good one [Y/N]!" She high-fived him.

Dipper: "Are you saying my voice cracks? My voice doesn't crack!"

Soos: "Dude, no offense, but it cracks so much we've already made a techno remix out of it..." He takes out the tape and played.

Dipper: "Do I really sound like that...?"

Wendy: "Oh, here comes my favorite part!"

The taped played the last part and Mabel, [Y/N], Soos and Wendy began laughing.

Dipper: "Give me that!!!!" He screeched as he took the tape and left.

The others then calm down and carry on playing spin the pig.

{Gravity Falls town}

Dipper sighed and didn't seem too happy with himself.

Dipper: "Even my sigh sounds weird..." He murmured.

Old Man McGucket then pops out of a hole from a nearby wooden fence.

McGucket: "Hello there!!!" He greeted as
Dipper screamed in surprise.

McGucket: "I couldn't help but overhear your situation. Old Man McGucket..." He said and spat on his hand.

McGucket: "...part-time inventor..."

Dipper: "Why do you spit on your hand...?" He asked, feeling a bit disgusted on what the old crazy man just did.

McGucket: "I don't rightly know..." He casually answered.

Dipper: "Hey, I remember you! Your robot almost killed me!"

McGucket the quickly pulled Dipper into an alley.

McGucket: "Come here! Follow me into this dark and dangerous alley..."He said and pulled Dipper by the arm so he could follow him.

They were now in some sort of dump filled with old and rusty cars.

McGucket was spouring some sort of chemical in a vial from what seemed to be a very complex looking machine.

McGucket: "Lately, I've been tickerizing with a voice alterizing tonic. On account of my......horrrrifyin' voice!" He shrieked.

Sadly, a nearby kid heard him and ended crying while running away.

McGucket: "You can run, but I'll still be in your nightmares!!"

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