⚠️Boss Mabel⚠️

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The twins, [Y/N], Stan and Waddles were watching Cash Wheel. Mabel and Waddles are eating Chipackerz.

⚠️{No one's POV}⚠️


TV announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, we now return to Cash Wheel! Sponsored by Chipackerz, the chip flavored crackers!"


Mabel: "But they taste just like chips!" She says and eats a cracker.


A Contestant spins the wheel and it lands on 'cash shower'.

TV Announcer: "Congratulations! You're taking a......"

{Stan}/TV Announcer: "...Cash shower!"

Money starts falling down on the man in the middle. When the other two contestants try to take some money, he slaps and punches them away.


Stan: "I like that guy's style..."

Soos: "Mr. Pines! We got tourists at 9 o'clock! A whole busload of 'em!"

A bus from outside pulls up and tourists start to get out.

Stan: "Hot tamales, it's a jackpot! Soos! Make some new attractions!"

Soos: "You got it, boss!" He then glues a wolf head onto a chicken.

Stan: "Wendy! Mark up those prices! The higher the better!"

The said red head puts a 0 behind a $2 price tag, making it $20.

Stan: "Higher! Bleed 'em dry!"

She then puts another 0 making it $200.

Dipper: "Eesh, Grunkle Stan. It's like when you see tourists, all you see are wallets with legs..."

[Y/N]: "He probably does..."

Stan: "That's not true..."

Stan looks out the window and sees a family as wallets with legs throw his eyes.

Stan: "Clean-up on the front lawn!" He said to Dipper.

Dipper sighs, picks up a bucket of water and a mop and heads outside as well.

A boy puts a penny inside a penny press. A small card that says 'Thanks for the penny! -Stan' comes out. The boy sighs in disappointment.

Stan is now leading a tour around the Mystery Shack along with [Y/N], who was slapping the tourists hands to make sure they didn't touch the attractions or any valuable items.

Stan: "Ladies and gentle-tourists! Looking around my Mystery Shack, you will see many wondrous roadside attractions. Be amazed at the only known photo of a horse riding another horse!"

He pointed to a picture of a horse riding another horse, and many tourists take pictures and mutter, interested.

Stan: "That's—That's pretty good!" He nervously said as the tourists take pictures.

One of the little boys from the tourist group walked up the the picture and tried to touch it, but [Y/N] quickly slapped his hand and pushed him back with the other group of tourists.

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