◘ Escape of the Palisman

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(A/n: y'all I love reading your comments ngl xD)

It was another day, we went to the playground area of the boiling isles. Everything was okay, except Luz.. she was worrying.. a lot.

"W..what if he gets hurt?? What if the kids are mean to him?! My parental instincts are freaking out man!" Luz exclaimed looking at me and Eda. "He's fine!" Eda reassured "yeah, look at him he didn't do anything bad yet" I said as we looked at king.

king was going up the slide, the other way. "yeah.. he does look like he's having fun..aww i wonder what cute wittle game he's playing" Luz whispered/said.

"Stand back cretins.." king whispered, also struggling to get up for a second. But was able to balance himself and made it to the top "yes.! YES! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant!! Bow to me you snotty little underlings! BOW!" King ordered the small little children bellow his "throne".

" . . . okay!" the kids cheered. One did a handstand and another one back bended. "yes.. appease your master..!" then a kid was able to climb up kings "throne", that had snot hanging out "this isn't for standing its for sliding! you try :D"

The kid pushed king down the slide.

King ran to us "EDA! that monster took my throne!" he then stopped at my side "Y/n KILL IT" He said pulling my sleeves "you mean the baby?" Eda asked with a slight smug face "NO the usurper! I want you guys to go over there and blow him up!! kaboom!!"

the kid heard what king said and repeated "Kaboom!"

"Yeah I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five year old, AND certainly Y/n would never kill an innocent dumb kid, they've got better things to do" Eda took Owlbert out of his stick "and for Owlbert, like this" Eda started to scratch owlbert which made him let out a cute owl sound.

"awww cute little owl he is! and yeah no offense to hooty-" I said "What a sweetie! how did you get him?" Luz asked resting her head on my shoulder "Get? I made owlbert from the branch of an ancient tree"

"oh he's my palace man and we're bonded for life.. I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him"

"Fine! don't help! revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone!" King started to Laugh evily, but then got pushed by the baby again "tag your it :D" and left. I snorted and hid my face from showing myself laughing.

"oh man here we go, king squeak of rage!" Eda said getting excited as we all looked at him. "nggyeh... ngyeh..." he started to get up, then sits back down and rages with the highest pitch I've ever heard him made.

He was kicking the ground punching the air, cutely. He then got up hands on the air, then rages again running. Me and Eda started to laugh "He's like a little tea kettle!" Eda wipes a tear out of her eye, as I rapped my hands around my stomach shaking from laughing a lot "I gotta agree to that" We high fived each other.

"hey.." Eda turns to Eda and noticed something on Owlbets right foot "What's that?" Luz asked "that's his interlock, so he only fits under my staff.. every palace man has one..." Unexpectedly Eda fainted.

"Eda?? Eda!!" I called shaking her "she's not waking up!! Eda!!" Luz then called "Eda wake up!!" We yelled in unison, worried about her. Her eyes then shot open "Are you alright?" I asked as we both helped her up.

She shakes a little "w-what??... oh no.. that curse..!" she looked at us with a serious expression "we have to get home, now"

"King!" Luz called for him "hurry up we have to go!" I yelled "Five more minutes please!" He yelled back "King." Luz called again as he stops his movements "aw man.." King looked at the kid "This isn't over!!" "okay let's play a again real soon! :D" the kid then started to walk forward, trying to give king a hug.

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