Just for today (Bracolo)

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(Yeah... Nobody knows this ship... But I love it >:P So here I am, about to write a story about something nobody likes XD)

Colombia's POV

He didn't know how to react.

At first he had accepted to come to Mexico's birthday party thinking it would be just for a little. Give the wrapped gift to Mex, drink a little so he could drive home safely and dancing a fe songs.

But now he had his crush in front of him, half drunk and asking to dance with him. And there he was... Frozen.

He had liked the Brazilian for a long time, after all they were neighbors and it was just so easy to fall in love with the little things he could see from his window. The way he prepared his coffee, the way he sang for his little blue parrot, the way he danced while washing the dishes, the way he was passionate about things he liked and the way his smile was just so kind when they happened to meet in the middle of the street.

He wasn't a stalker at all, it just happened that their windows were too close to comfort, and he had ended watching the other when he was just dozing off in the living room. And just like that, love had come knocking at his door. Ok, maybe love was a big word, but the existing of some kind of deep feelings was undeniable.

He tended to be extremely confident when it came to personal space, being touchy and physical with anybody, some countries even taking it in a wrong way. It was just his personality, but all of that had disappeared the moment Brazil had took his hand, asking for a dance.

It was pretty obvious that the other country wouldn't be able to remember anything the next day, and if he remembered he would probably be ashamed to be seen with a country like him, with such reputation. But this was his only change to have at least a little moment to keep to himself. Maybe his feelings wouldn't be returned never in a million years, maybe after tonight he would be left just with the pieces, maybe tomorrow he would feel the pain reach his broken heart... But just for tonight he would  let himself enjoy a simple dance.

A bachata song started playing as he left his empty bottle of beer in the middle of the table. He let the tall man take him to the dance floor.

Soon they were close, so close he could feel Brazil's heart pounding side by side with his own, his warm breath tingling on his cheek as they danced as close as they could be. The sound of bottles and laughs seemed to disappear, leaving just the sweet and sharp melody and the both of them.

His hips moved with the rhythm, his heartbeat synchronizing with the music and his eyes closed focusing on the smell of his secret loved one.

He looked up as the song ended, and as their faces got closer and closer, he felt his heart yearn for an impossible future.

When the drunk country placed a gentle kiss on his lips, he let a single tear fall.

I know this is a mess and it's super short XP I just wanted to try this little idea. YwY ah, I love this ship :'3 (after all... One of the countries is my own :v)

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day!!!

( •w•)/ Bye!~

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