New family in town (Bracol AU pt 1)

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A/N: I just wanted to write a cute story involving Brazil and Colombia. I hope if you read this (nobody will, but still) you can enjoy it! It's based on some stories from my grandparents and parents! (◠‿・)-☆


Colombia's POV

He woke up slowly, the feeling of the covers and the cold on his feet being the first thing he noticed. The sound of someone walking outside of his room made him know it was time to get up. He groaned, opening his eyes and looking at the wooden ceiling, staring for a few seconds before getting up.

He put his feet in the cold floor, stretching his arms over his head and heading to the bathroom. The cold water made him awake in a few seconds and soon he was ready to start working.

The sun wasn't even up yet, barely 4:30 in the morning, but it was time to get ready to work. He walked downstairs were his father Gran Colombia greeted him.

"Buenos días Colo, I see you're finally awake. Vene was starting to complain about you being lazy. What did you say hijo?" He spoke with a smile looking at his second son.

"I said that since you are starting to take half an hour to get ready, maybe we should make your lunch smaller" responded Venezuela with a grin.

Colombia started bickering immediately, taking his breakfast with a frown while making a scene about 'his family wanting him to starve'. Gran watched amused as his sons fought playfully over the table, before the youngest of the tricolor brothers finally walked down.

"Why the hell do you scream so loud?" Ecuador muttered with a huff.

"Maybe you should get up earlier instead of staying up so late at night" Colombia said while finishing, walking to the kitchen to wash the dishes. "And it's not like anyone will hear, our closest neighbors are miles away."

His father just got up smiling, walking to the door and signaling to follow.

It was just another normal day. In this little piece of world all the days were pretty much similar.


He sat on the horse following his dad, paying attention to the dirt road. He could feel the sun starting to shine behind them, slowly rising into the sky, its rays caressing the mountains, making the morning dew sparkle softly on the grass and trees.

He closed his eyes, breathing in the clean air and listening calmly to the birds singing from the distance, the sound of the horses walking slowly and his father humming softly.

He sighed.

"Hey papá. Can I go ahead and sell the coffee by myself?"

His father stopped humming, turning slightly to see him before laughing.

"What, are you already bored?"

"C'mon dad, I want to explore a little before the sun sets."

His father rolled his eyes, knowing perfectly what he meant.

"Ok, sure Col, sell the sacks to Costa Rica and meet me in front of the church. But you better don't loose track of time on something else!"

Colo nodded, pulling the reins of the brown coated horse and starting to ride fast. He knew the way town from memory, like the back of his hand, so in about half an hour he was finally there.

The horse neighed happily when he jumped down and tied him to a post, feeding him some sugar cubes he had stole from the kitchen cabinet yesterday. He cut the ropes tying the sacks and pulled them into his shoulders, careful not to let them fall.

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