We will solve this together (Reichpol AU)

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of past domestic abuse. If you ever struggle with something like this, please reach out for help, you deserve to be loved and respected.

Also, I do NOT support Nazism (that's disgusting!!!!), Third just appears as a side character for the sake of the story, taken out of any kind of historical or social context. This is just a fictional story with fictional characters.

If you don't feel comfortable with these, I suggest you to skip this chapter.

Thank you!~ Now, let's proceed!!!


Poland's POV

He entered the small classroom, putting the blue tag with his name over the pocket of his shirt and writing "welcome!" on the chalkboard in multiple colors of chalk he had bought yesterday. Walking through the small orange desks, he walked to the chest of toys, making sure it was locked before walking to his own desk and waiting for the children to enter.

He smiled as the little countries started entering the classroom, their happy voices immediately lighting the place. He greeted everyone of them, checking their names on the list that rested in front of him.

When he was sure no one else would enter, he closed the door and walked in front of the class.

"Goor morning guys!" He greeted the children, smiling brightly when they responded back.

"Good morning Mr Poland!" They all sang at unison, butchering half of the words. It was ok, the were barely four, having them sitting like this was good enough.

"Today we are going to learn a new song. Do you remember the last one we learned?" He asked.

A little blue hand raised, a little girl almost jumping in excitement as he gave her the word. "The O song! The O song!!!" She exclaimed happily, pointing at the letter "O" in the 'welcome' sign on the chalkboard.

"Good job France! So, today we will start learning~" he elongated the word and soon two kids were jumping to answer.

"The U, the U!!!"

He continued the class, taking a small CD player and putting a disk inside before looking for the right song.

It was just another day on kindergarden.


The knock on the door made him turn around, his gaze going momentarily to the children that were playing with toys on the other side of the room, soft carpet covering the floor so no one got seriously injured.

After making sure there were no kids fighting, he ran to the door, opening it just to find the director of the building, Estonia, in front of it.

"Oh! Good morning Mrs Estonia, what can I do for you?" He asked, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

"Well, we have a new student, so I would love to introduce him with you to his classmates Mr Poland. Why don't you bring them here?" she said with a smile.

He nodded, entering the classroom and calling the kids who took some time to gather.

"Today Mrs Estonia has come to present us a new classmate. How about we greet them?" He said with a smile, signaling the director to enter.

"Good morning!" All the children sang in unison, and the female nodded in approvement.

"Good morning. Today a new boy will be joining your class, I want you to take good care of him and treat him nicely. Could you do that for me?"

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