Bonding Time

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I apologize for any spelling errors I may make, and if you find any, please point them out so I can fix them, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to accidentally make all the characters O.O.C., so I apologize for that as well.

~I do not own Undertale, any of the Undertale AUs, or Steven Universe~

~Error speaking: "Do i iS Gay? yeS."
~Nightmare speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."
~Destiny speaking: "ժօ í íՏ ցɑվ? վҽՏ."
~Choice speaking: "𝕕𝕠 𝕀 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕪? 𝕪𝕖𝕤."
~Void speaking: "ᖱ✺ ! ! ṧ ❡ᾰ⑂? ⑂ḙṧ."
~Gender speaking: "ᎠᎾ Ꮖ ᏆᏚ ᏩᎪY? YᎬᏚ."
~Identity speaking: "მტ i iႽ ႺႩჄ? ჄპႽ."
~Unnatural speaking: "po ı ıs ƃɐʎ? ʎǝs."
~Balance(?) Speaking: "Ԁө Ї ЇЅ ԌДҰ? ҰЄЅ."
Anyone else speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."

~Chapter 19~

It was almost midnight, and Error hummed softly, patting Yarns head gently as he lay in the hammock he had strung to the ceiling of the temple, letting his thoughts drift.

He was honestly surprised the Gems had taken everything so well, and he REALLY hadn't expected Pearl to try and comfort Reaper, but Error thought it was a nice surprise.

It had been odd seeing everything clearly, and everything looked so different compared to what he had been seeing.

Error had thought Steven was wearing pants that faded from a dark bluish color to a much lighter bluish color, and a reddish-pink medium sleeved shirt with what he could only guess was a star in the middle, but the only things he had gotten right were the colors and the star.

He wasn't too off with Steven, but the others? Error had thought pearls head was a triangle. A triangle.

When he put on his glasses though, he realized that he had thought her hair and head was just her head, and he had the same problem with Garnet, though he had thought her head was a rectangle.

It seemed rather silly now that he thought about it, but then there was Reaper.

He could tell who Blue and Nighty were pretty easily, their color schemes made that pretty obvious, but Reaper? All he could really make out was a black and white blob, and the height had also thrown him off, unused to being able to actually look down at Reaper, even if only by a little bit.

It was honestly nice though, being able to actually see what things were at first glance and not have to ask what something was, or observe it enough to figure out what it is.

Error also finally got a better look at himself, and he had smiled when he saw just how different he looked. It wasn't much about his actual appearance really, but the lack of scars.

He had known that the scars were gone, but he didn't realize just how much that affected how he looked.

He looked so much less broken and battered, less like he was falling apart, and more like he was just tired and needed some sleep, though the tear marks had of course remained, Error expected as much though, the tear marks had been their far longer than he had been the destroyer anyways, and were much more permanent than the scars.

Error's mind drifted back to how the others looked, and he smiled softly, noting how Blue and Night looked just as pretty as they had in Fate's Multiverse.

Error giggled softly as he remembered the first time he had told the two they looked pretty, they had gotten so flustered, which confused Error slightly, though he wasn't complaining, he thought it was cute.

Error sighed, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the hammock, hopping to the floor, landing with a small tap as his feet touched the ground before he quietly walked to the door with Yarn held close to his chest.

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