Content Relaxing

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I apologize for any spelling errors I may make, and if you find any, please point them out so I can fix them, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to accidentally make all the characters O.O.C., so I apologize for that as well.

~I do not own Undertale, any of the Undertale AUs, or Steven Universe~

~Error speaking: "Do i iS Gay? yeS."
~Nightmare speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."
~Destiny speaking: "ժօ í íՏ ցɑվ? վҽՏ."
~Fate speaking: "D⃟o⃟ I⃟ i⃟s⃟ g⃟a⃟y⃟? Y⃟e⃟s⃟."
~Choice speaking: "𝕕𝕠 𝕀 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕪? 𝕪𝕖𝕤."
~Void speaking: "ᖱ✺ ! ! ṧ ❡ᾰ⑂? ⑂ḙṧ."
~Gender speaking: "ᎠᎾ Ꮖ ᏆᏚ ᏩᎪY? YᎬᏚ."
~Identity speaking: "მტ i iႽ ႺႩჄ? ჄპႽ."
~Unnatural speaking: "po ı ıs ƃɐʎ? ʎǝs."
~Time speaking: "ⅅᎾ ℐ ℐЅ ᎶᎯᎽ? ᎽℰЅ."
~Chaos/Balance Speaking: "Ԁө Ї ЇЅ ԌДҰ? ҰЄЅ."
Anyone else speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."

~Chapter 29~

Dream wakes up slowly, yawning as he attempts to stretch, only to find that he can't move his arms, or really much in general, as a sleeping Ink has his arms wrapped around him.

Dream giggles softly at this, wiggling his arms out of Ink's grip, resting them on top of the- when did that blanket get there?

Dream looked over it, feeling a slight wave of guilt wash over him, the purple and yellow flower design reminding him of how nice it used to be when it was just him and Nightmare living with the tree of feelings.

Dream shook his head softly, glancing up at Ink, who was still sleeping peacefully, a nice feeling of content coming from him, calming Dream down.

Ink slowly blinks himself awake, yawning silently before looking down at Dream and smiling with a "Hallo Dream, you sleep well?"

Dream nods, responding with "Mhm! What 'bout you?" Lifting his arms and making grabby hands while stretching.

Ink lets out a soft hum, lifting a hand up and grabbing one of Dreams hands, saying "It was good- Dream, did you know you have these little baby hands?"

Dream rolls his eyes, replying with "Ink, you're like, a giant. I don't think you have room to talk." While trying to pull his hand back down.

Ink chuckles, pulling Dream's other hand up and saying "Maybe so, but you're definitely very smoll! You may deny it, but you have these little baby hands, they're so small I bet a kid could hold both of them in one hand!"

Dream's face flushes a soft golden color and he tugs his hands out of Ink's, sticking his tongue out and crossing his arms.

Ink boops Dream with a chuckle before wrapping his arms around him and standing up, picking Dream up with him.

Dream squeaks, clutching Ink's arms as Ink wanders over to the kitchen, plopping Dream down a stool before heading over to the pantry and pulling out two oatmeal packets.

Ink grabs some bowls, pouring the packets in them and saying "Hope you're okay with oatmeal, cause we both know I can't cook for the life of me."

Dream nods, asking "Is it the one with the funny little dino eggs that turn into the little dinosaurs?"

Ink chuckles, nodding and replying with "Of course, I know how much you love that stuff!" While pouring some hot water into the bowls and mixing it around.

Dream smiles brightly, kicking his feet back and forth as Ink, puts a bowl in front of him, quickly grabbing the spoon out of the bowl, and starts eating.


Dust, Horror, and Cross had been cuddling for a while, Cross having fallen asleep, and Horror obviously drifting off.

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