Small Comforts

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I apologize for any spelling errors I may make, and if you find any, please point them out so I can fix them, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to accidentally make all the characters O.O.C., so I apologize for that as well.

~I do not own Undertale, any of the Undertale AUs, or Steven Universe~

~Error speaking: "Do i iS Gay? yeS."
~Nightmare speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."
~Dream Speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."
~Destiny speaking: "ժօ í íՏ ցɑվ? վҽՏ."
~Choice speaking: "𝕕𝕠 𝕀 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕪? 𝕪𝕖𝕤."
~Void speaking: "ᖱ✺ ! ! ṧ ❡ᾰ⑂? ⑂ḙṧ."
~Luck speaking: "δΟ I Iς GΔΥ? ΥΣς."
~Emotion speaking: "∂σ ι ιѕ gαу? уєѕ."
~Gender speaking: "ᎠᎾ Ꮖ ᏆᏚ ᏩᎪY? YᎬᏚ."
~Identity speaking: "მტ i iႽ ႺႩჄ? ჄპႽ."
~Unnatural speaking: "po ı ıs ƃɐʎ? ʎǝs."
~Time speaking: "ⅅᎾ ℐ ℐЅ ᎶᎯᎽ? ᎽℰЅ."
~Knowledge speaking: "ꀸꂦ ꀤ ꀤꌗ ꁅꍏꌩ? ꌩꍟꌗ."
~Cycle speaking: "Ⓓⓞ Ⓘ ⓘⓢ ⓖⓐⓨ? Ⓨⓔⓢ."
~Chaos/Balance Speaking: "Ԁө Ї ЇЅ ԌДҰ? ҰЄЅ."
Anyone else speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."

~Chapter 31~

Error jolted awake with a gasp before clinging to Nightmare's tentacle, tears welling up in his eyes as he mumbles incoherently.

Nightmare protectively wraps a few tentacles around Error's waist, pulling him closer before carefully wrapping his arms around Error, ready to pull away if it made the Error's current state any worse.

To everyone's surprise, Error immediately latched onto Nightmare, clinging to his shirt as he mumbles "PLeaSe- PLeaSe DoN'T Go i CaN't- PLeaSe-"

Nightmare cuts Error off, shooshing the smaller while running his fingers through his hair, gently tugging it out of its ponytail as he does so.

Steven is the first to speak, asking "Is- is he okay?" in a concerned voice, squeezing his hands together worriedly while staring at Error, worried for his friend.

Blue shakes his head in response, replying with "I don't know, but whatever that was I think it's over with for the most part- we can't be too sure though. Oh uh, sorry you had to see that by the way, I don't think Error would want you to see him so panicked like that kid."

Steven nods with a small frown, before blinking, tilting his head towards his bed and spotting Yarn.

Steven picks the Furby up, and a piece of paper flutters onto the bed, and Steven blinks as he picks it up and reads it.

So uh, I might have accidentally gone to the wrong place, sorry Ruru, but I met this funny little thing, and it said it would help me out! Right now I'm with Auntie CQ, Uncle Asy, Decans, and your brothers, they thought you were dead! Course, I know you're alive, and I promise I'm gonna find you okay? I said I would get to you and I meant it! Oh, you probably want to know what your brothers are up to don't you! Well, Geno told me he's worried about some Reaper dude, says he's been missing, oh and Fresh can feel now! Did you know that? I think it's really cool! He's like, clinging to Decan's side, not literally, but it's pretty obvious he isn't gonna leave him any time soon. Your brothers keep giving me weird looks, not sure why, but I don't mind! I'm running out of paper so I guess i have to end this letter, but I promise I'll find you, so wait for me, okay?
From, Ink

Steven furrows his eyebrows, asking "Who's Ink?" to nobody in particular.

At Ink's name, Blue tenses up, and Nightmare freezes for a moment, though he quickly returns to running his fingers through Error's hair, though he is visibly more alert.

Reaper finally responds when it becomes clear that the others aren't going to "Ink was the creator in our Multiverse, it's... probably not a great idea to bring him up, okay?"

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