Unsure Calm

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I apologize for any spelling errors I may make, and if you find any, please point them out so I can fix them, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to accidentally make all the characters O.O.C., so I apologize for that as well.

~I do not own Undertale, any of the Undertale AUs, or Steven Universe~

~Error speaking: "Do i iS Gay? yeS."
~Nightmare speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."
~Destiny speaking: "ժօ í íՏ ցɑվ? վҽՏ."
~Choice speaking: "𝕕𝕠 𝕀 𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕪? 𝕪𝕖𝕤."
~Void speaking: "ᖱ✺ ! ! ṧ ❡ᾰ⑂? ⑂ḙṧ."
~Gender speaking: "ᎠᎾ Ꮖ ᏆᏚ ᏩᎪY? YᎬᏚ."
~Identity speaking: "მტ i iႽ ႺႩჄ? ჄპႽ."
~Unnatural speaking: "po ı ıs ƃɐʎ? ʎǝs."
~??? Speaking: "Ԁө Ї ЇЅ ԌДҰ? ҰЄЅ."
Anyone else speaking: "Do I is gay? Yes."

~Chapter 28~

Everyone had gone inside, and it seemed like the shaking had stopped happening, which was good considering the last time Nightmare and Blue had been in a shaking AU they had fallen into the Void, and if that happened again, the two weren't sure there would be a Deity to catch them this time.

Nightmare had moved to the couch, putting Error down and sitting next to him while waiting for him to snap out of his almost completely unresponsive state- he was worried about how Error might react though, as seeing the ground crumble had caused such a strong reaction, putting him into the state he was currently in.

Blue sat down next to Nightmare, leaning on the taller while asking, "You're sure you're okay? I know you said you were fine, but I know how you are, and if you were just saying that to keep me from worrying then I will have you know that it's not working."

Nightmare sighs, wrapping a tentacle around Blue and pulling him up against his chest while mumbling "I'm fine Berry, I promise. You should worry about yourself okay? I don't want you breaking down, the fact that Error still hasn't really calmed down yet is worrying, having both of you in a bad mental state is something I don't think I can handle right now." and resting his chin on Blue's head.

Blue sighs, saying "Alright... Also, is Error rubbing off on you? I don't think you've ever called me Berry before, and that's always been Error's thing-"

Nightmare's face turns cyan, and he grumbles softly before letting out a small shriek of surprise as Error sits up, blinking and rubbing his eyes for a moment before spotting one of Nightmare's tentacles and batting at it tiredly.

Error jumps lightly at the shriek, mumbling "WHo- WHa- 'M iNSiDe? CaN'T ReMeMBeR-" Error shakes his head lightly, grabbing one of Nightmare's tentacle before standing up, looking around and spotting Steven before stumbling lightly as he tries to walk over to him.

Nightmare stands up, shifting so that he was holding Blue in his arms as Error moves, following after seeing as Error didn't seem to be willing to let go of his tentacle any time soon, and he didn't want to see if he would be dragged across the floor if he didn't follow Error.

Error had climbed up the small amount of stairs and up to Steven's bed, plopping himself down on the floor next to it and mumbling "HuLLo KiDDo, HoW'Re you?" While leaning against the bed's mattress.

Steven smiles, responding with, "'M good! What about you though? You freaked out when everything started shaking and started making a really loud noise and I got really worried! Nightmare ran over and got even taller and changed colors, and there's tentacles coming from his back, and he grabbed you, which seemed to make you feel better! It was cool but also scary cause the ground disappeared under you, and you almost fell into whatever that black place is."

Error blinked at the mention of a black place and shifted to see what Steven meant before glitching slightly, mumbling "iT'S HaPPeNiNG aGaiN..." the shaking of his voice clear even with its constant glitching.

Steven tilts his head asking "What is it? Does it have something to do with why you freaked out?" Concern obvious in his voice.

Error sighed before answering with "i HoPeD THiS WouLD NeVeR HaPPeN aGaiN. THiS PLaCe- youR WoRLD- iS FaLLiNG, aND i'M NoT SuRe HoW LoNG iT'LL Be TiLL We Go DoWN Too. FaLLiNG iNTo THe BLaCK PLaCe iS a WoRSe FaTe THaN FaLLiNG iNTo THe VoiD. iT'S PaiNFuL. iT'S a MiRaCLe Me aND My BRoTHeRS MaDe iT ouT! NoBoDy eLSe DiD... I CaN'T iMaGiNe HoW HoRRiBLe iT MuST Be FoR THoSe WHo DiDN'T MaKe iT."

Steven was silent for a moment, before saying "Does that mean everyone- Does that- they're all gone?"

Error looks away, hiding his face in Nightmare's tentacle, and Nightmare goes the rest way up the stairs, gently wrapping said tentacle around Error's arm and sitting down on the stairs, setting Blue down on his lap and moving another tentacle to comfortingly pet Error's head.

Error leans into the touch, sighing softly and feeling his eyes drift shut, relaxing and feeling himself drift to sleep for the first time in ages.


I gasp, shooting up, my eyes flying open.

Am I back in the Anti-Void?

No, this place is pitch black, and my strings are nowhere to be seen.




There's another person here?

Wait... Momma?

That can't be right, she's gone!

I feel tears begin running down my face and I take a step towards her, reaching towards her.


She turns around and grabs my wrist holding it tightly, and I yelp, trying to pull away as she begins glitching.

"W̸͎͓̟͚͔̜̅̏̌̆͘H̸̛͇͈̤̪̙̑͛́̈́̽Y̵̢̭̖͈̘̰͗͛͊̕ ̴̼̓Ḋ̸̲İ̸̪͍̤̘͈͚̈̈́D̴̫̰̂̉Ń̷̥̤͒̏̋͠'̷̨̥̦̜̫̔̅̏́͘T̴̞̦̯̼̈̆̎́͝ ̸̝̫̘͙͇̿̔ͅY̵̗̗̔̊͆͛Ơ̸̟̬̋̽͌͜U̴͙̼͒ ̸͇̕S̴̛͖̫̯̩͔͒̊͛̃Ȧ̸̛̻͕̠̰̀̏̄͑V̸̡̲̖͔̗̲̍̌E̴̙̋͆̏ ̸̗͋́U̷̥̝̺̥̼͛̓̐̏͗͘S̷̟͍͔̻̟̐̌?̷̢̙̰̖͖̰͑"

"PLeaSe! i CouLDN'T Do aNyTHiNG, i WaS JuST aS HeLPLeSS aS you!"

I cry out as her grip tightens and suddenly I'm surrounded by people from my old Omniverse, and I tremble as my silent tears turn to sobs, the people screaming at me.

Eventually, it becomes silent, and I feel the grip on my wrists vanish, sending me stumbling to the ground.

I hear a quiet "Error?" and I look up with a soft whimper, and I see Ink- not the Creator, but my Ink- kneeling down to my trembling form

Ink sits down, pulling me into a gentle hug, rocking me back and forth gently.

I whine, leaning into Ink, and he softly tells me, "I know, I know, it's just a nightmare though. I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you sooner, but I'm gonna get to you soon. Auntie CQ, Uncle Asy and Decans managed to get out of the dark place, so I can do it too. You're gonna wake up soon, so I have to go, hope I can see you soon..."

I hum softly nuzzling into Ink, when I open my eyes, I notice that everything is fading, and I desperately cling to Ink's shirt, whimpering softly as I begin to wake up


Oh boy I wrote stuff! Yeah, it feels like I posted this late, but oh well, also, hehe dreams, but they're actually nightmares, but oh wait now it's your friend you kinda thought was in a constant state of dying- Also this chapter felt kind of short, sorry about that-

Word Count: 1201

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