Chapter 18

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Chapter eighteen || 열여덟 장

Chapter eighteen ||  열여덟 장_____________________________

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18| Sweet 18🎂

Happy birthday Taehyung Kim!

Its literally been 4 years since ive been a fan ever since i watched BS&T in 2016 and then got sucked into a loop hole of craziness!

LOVE U V! <3


I hung out with Taehyung and his family for the next couple of hours. Jungkook assured me that my dad would be tied up trying to find the non-existent campers for a little while yet so I still had some time before I needed to get home. We had some dinner and I relished being back with the Kims, just the simple pleasure of eating with company, laughter and love were things I had missed in the last few weeks.

Taehyung was reluctant to leave my side for a second, so after we ate I offered to clear the kitchen. Obviously I had missed taehyung something chronic, but I had missed the others as well and I wanted to spend a little bit of time with Jennie. Taehyung pouted for a while but stalked off with Jungkook somewhere so I could chat to her in the kitchen about her honeymoon. It sounded fabulous and I was jealous of her tan, I could live on a desert island for a year and I'd still come back whiter than milk.

She showed me her wedding pictures and they were as gorgeous as I thought they'd be. The photographer had captured the beauty of the day and Jennie looked stunning in all her photos. The one of everybody that she had picked out was lovely and I asked her to get me a copy. She had already chosen a couple of me and Taehyung that she'd had printed and she handed them over to me. I smiled and thanked her, Taehyung looked so good that day, and I didn't scrub up to badly myself. I couldn't wait to get them in a frame, we looked so happy. It was strange to think that that was the last day we were together before all this nonsense with my dad had started.

Eventually, I got around to washing up and was chatting away to Jennie about school as I stood rinsing plates to load into the dishwasher.

"What would you prefer Princess? A gun or a car?" Taehyung walked into the kitchen and asked out of nowhere.

"Uh, in what context?" I asked bemused. "Do I want to go somewhere or shoot someone?"

"I was just thinking about what to get you for your birthday." He shrugged, coming over to the sink and kissing me quickly.

I gaped at him. "Neither! I don't want you to get me anything for my birthday." I turned to face him fully.

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