Chapter 21

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Chapter twenty-one || 스물한 장

21| Cruel Reality🥀

"Princess? Princess..." I could hear Taehyung, I could feel him stroking my hair, but my eyes didn't want to open. "Princess please..."

"Give her some time." Was that Mr. Kim? "She just fainted. She's perfectly fine otherwise."

"Perfectly fine! She just got fucking shot, watched her father die and fainted. How the fuck is any of that perfectly fucking fine?" Taehyung whisper yelled.

"I meant physically, son. It's a superficial injury on her arm, and her body simply shut down because of shock. She'll wake up when she's ready."

"When will that be?"

Mr. Kim sighed. "I can't say."

"Really fucking helpful dad. What's the point of being a doctor if you don't know shit?"

"Taehyung, I know you're upset, but she will wake up."

Taehyung shook me a little. "Princess please. Wake up."

I tried, I really did, but my eyes still didn't want to open and my body didn't want to move. If I opened my eyes I didn't know where I'd be or what I'd see and opening my eyes would mean having to face reality and I just wasn't ready yet, so I let myself drift away again.

The next thing I was aware of was muffled voices and I came too slowly, disorientated and confused when I realised I was in bed in Taehyung's room. I sat up and listened to the conversation going on in the hall.

"Taehyung you tried your best, you can't do any more that." I could hear JaeIn outside the door.

"It doesn't matter, none of this would ever have happened if she hadn't met me. She's gonna fucking hate me."

"She won't hate you." JaeIn assured him. "Go be with her. I'm sure she'll be awake soon."

"But..., I mean..., she might not...maybe..., uh..., what if she doesn't want to see me?"

"Oh fuck off V! You're such an emo dick!" That was Jennie. "Of course she'll want to see you, she loves you and she needs you more than ever right now. I know you feel bad about all of this, but that's not going to help her. So you need to suck it the fuck up and get in there before I kick your fucking ass from here to next Tuesday."

"Have you ever considered a career in motivational speaking Jennie? Because really, that was great. Thanks."

"Hiding behind sarcasm, because you're scared shitless. Nice." I could just imagine Jennie's smirk. "Look V." She said in a softer tone. "This is horrible, it's gonna be hard and upsetting, but Y/n needs you. You can help her through this. Just be there for her. Don't shut yourself off and don't be all contrite and guilty because it's annoying as fuck. Trust me she won't want to hear that."

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