Chapter Twenty Nine

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Margot: Hey

Me: Hey.

Me: (image attached)

Margot: Omg you're such a dork

Margot: Does anyone else know you're like this?

Me: Rude.

Margot: I'm sorry but what was that photo?

Me: It was me trying to wink at you. Because I'm cute like that.

Margot: You sure? Because that picture is for sure you mid blink.

Me: Ok. So I can't wink. You don't have to call me out. You were just supposed to play along and say I'm cute!!

Margot: (image attached)

Me: Wtf Margot?? That's so rude!!

Margot: I guess I'm just more talented. I don't know what to tell you.

Me: (image attached)

Margot: Omg you trying to wink is literally the peak of comedy.

Margot: You can't do wink wink

Margot: You can only do blink blink

Me: You're such a bully and you don't have to be.

Margot: (image attached)

Me: Fucking stop it!!

Margot: :)

Margot: I mean

Margot: ;)

Me: You don't have to be this mean.

Margot: Nah

Margot: But you're pretty cute when you're annoyed

Me: (image attached)

Margot: Ha you still can't wink

Me: Margot!!

Margot: As fun as this is I texted because I have updates about today

Me: ....

Margot: Arcade and laser tag

Margot: You in?

Me: Sure. As long as you're sure that your friends will be alright with it....

Margot: If they aren't then I'll make sure they will be

Margot: On my way

Me: Ok. :)

Margot: ;)

Me: Fuck off.

Margot: ;(


Margot: Here

"Bye, Alex," I shout, hoping that my brother can hear me from wherever he may be in the house, if he is in the house currently, that is. I never know with him.

And so with a smile on my face, I tug my shoes onto my feet and exit the house, shoving my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie as I run over to Margot's car, hoping to preserve some type of warmth. However, as I slide into the front seat, I'm suddenly hit with a patch of nervousness that wipes the smile off of my face.

"What's up?" Margot asks me, most likely noticing the slight shake to my hands. I wring them anxiously as I shake my head.

"Just a bit nervous to hang out with your friends. That's all," I tell her with a small laugh. She places her hands on top of mine, putting an end to the shaking.

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