Chapter Eight

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Margot: You should have seen his face this morning

Me: Whose face??

Margot: Xavier

Margot: Come on, Aspen. Keep up

Me: I'm sorry!! I'm a forgetful person sometimes. What happened??

Margot: Aspen. I shit you not. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He got so pale and his hands were shaking so bad

Me: The joy that this brings you reads rather diabolically.

Margot: Ok good. That was kind of the point of this whole thing

Me: Of course. And I was happy to help with your nefarious scheme.

Margot: No you weren't. You were looking around like a child lost in the grocery store the entire time

Me: I was not.

Margot: You were shaking so bad I could almost feel the tremors underneath me

Me: Lies.

Margot: Your face was almost as pale as Xavier's was this morning

Me: Ugh. Stop.

Margot: But I'm on a roll

Me: You just like messing with me.

Margot: I'm good at it

"Dude. Do you get this?" I hear Tori whine from in front of me.

Tucking my phone into my pocket, I look at the blank assignment sitting on top of my desk and then up at her.

"Well. I haven't even started yet," I state the obvious.

"Ok. Well can you get started so you can help me?"

"Did I not tell you that I'm literally struggling in this class?"

"You did, but you already went to one of your tutor session things, so I just assumed that was going to help like it's supposed to,"

Letting out a sigh, I actually take a look at the first problem and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Though the confusion is different from normal. Rather than the confusion being over the problem as a whole, the confusion is based in wondering why I actually know how to solve it.

"Fuck. You don't know either," Tori says, mistaking my expression.

"No. I think I do," I say quietly.


I don't even respond to her as I begin writing on the page in a more urgent manner than I had in a while on anything math related. As I finish the problem, I suddenly realize a presence behind me and turn around to see Mr. Todd, who had been previously circling the room, with a smile on his face.

Taking that as the approval I needed, I nod in Tori's direction and begin to guide her to the solution.


Me: Dude.

Margot: Dude

Me: I actually did a calc worksheet today.

Margot: Holy shit

Me: I know.

Margot: I must be a miracle worker. I'd like to thank Jesus Christ who obviously worked through me in this time

Me: You're an atheist.

Margot: And?

Margot: That doesn't mean I'm not still a favorite

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