Chapter Fourteen

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"I simply don't understand how you don't have more confidence in me, alleged best friend," I tell Ivy as we walk through the front door of the house hosting tonight's party which is yet another celebration of our football team winning a game. Ivy narrows her eyes at me before shaking her head and looking back forward.

"You really don't have the best track record as far as I'm concerned, bird," Ivy explains. I scoff in disbelief, despite knowing that she's right.

"Ok. Then let's make a bet. We go our separate ways for.... let's say two hours, and if I'm still completely sober by the end, then you have to take me out to get a milkshake,"

"But you have to stay in this house,"


"And what do I get if I win?"

"I don't know? A kiss? You're supposed to reward me for staying away from the temptation that is alcohol. What am I supposed to reward you for? Staying at a party for two hours?"

"More like reward me for putting up with the team being drunk for that long rather than spending the time with you like I planned to,"

"So you're saying the kiss would be a good reward?"

"I'm saying that I deserve some type of reward for leaving you unsupervised at a party for two hours. I'm going to be worrying the entire time, bird,"

"Well don't because you won't have anything to worry about, right? Because I won't be drinking,"

"Or so you say,"

"Let's just say that you shouldn't be counting on that reward,"

"Darn. I may just have to spike your drink when you're not looking then,"

"Ivy!" I exclaim. But she just giggles as she turns around and walks away, towards the rest of the football team and Jaxon who is awkwardly standing by them, striking up conversation with Dustin, a friendship I wouldn't have exactly predicted beforehand, and yet from the nervous smiles on their faces they seem to be getting along well enough.

Her words echo in my mind in the minutes after she walks away, but I know I need to stop thinking about it, just stop overthinking.

Me: Where are you??

Margot: Missing me already?

Me: Terribly.

"Makes sense," I hear someone whisper in my ear. I whip around to find a smiling Margot and I can't help but smile back.

"You ready to leave?" she asks me, but I shake my head in response.

"In one minute, Naomi said that she needed to tell me something, but Tori pulled her over to the drinks too quickly for her to finish what she was saying,"

"Sounds like Tori,"

I just nod before I grab Margot's wrist and begin to lead her throughout the house to the basement, where I assume Naomi to be.

"Aspen!" Tori yells excitedly from across the room as soon as she sees me. Naomi just rolls her eyes at the girl before shooting me a small smile.

"You wanted to tell me something?" I ask the sober one of the two.

"Yes! The cupcake wars," Naomi says, much to excited for my taste.

"What about them?"

"Would you like to enter them with Tori and I?"

"You could have just texted me this?"

"I know, but I wanted to ask you in person. How about it?"

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