Chapter 3A - a history lesson & Chapter 3B - having to deal with fears.

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Chapter 3A – a history lesson.

Onyx was wanting to learn more about the dimension she found herself in so she went to the library, copper decided to tag along to help her get a feel of the world she find herself in. she went to find a history book and she found one that was a comprehensive history of the three main kingdoms. She sat down and started reading to herself when coal sat down with a coding book. "I should teach you my brother's coding language." She commented on opining the book and starting reading.

First was the chapter on the kingdom they live in 'crystalopolis. Once a mining civilisation, we are in a technological boom thanks to the work of the zirconia family. When the first zirconia's came talking about how she could make the very rocks we where mining do mathematical equations, we thought she was crazy. However, she proved us wrong and she led to a technological and economic boom. We have moved along quicker then our rivalling kingdoms and it was thanks to the zirconia family. On page 4 we go through the zirconia family timeline and we explore the current zirconia family.' Onyx decided it's not right to look just yet and she moved onto the next chapter.

The kingdom of atlantica is a kingdom we don't know all that much about. After it disappeared over a thousand years ago, it has remained an exclusive kingdom that doesn't treat visitors nicely. One born of a connection to the cores, their thirst for power grew to strong and the kingdom was flooded, and the inhabitants evolved into the merpeople they remain as to this day.' She then moved on to the next chapter only wanting a description of the kingdoms. 'next and finally is the willowing woods. A farming kingdom that has had to fight for years for what scrap of land they can get. It has led to un needing to send our own soldiers to fight in the war, but it looks light the fight may never end.'

She took a deep breath and readied herself for the chapter on her family. 'the first zirconia was Moldavite zirconia. She was the one who started the lineage and the one who would start the family's strong connection with the royal family, but their importance is too important to avoid. She went on to have one child. Her son was blood stone and he revolutionised how mining was done and how we handled many mathematics in the future. He would go on to have two children. He got to name one of them and the other was named by his wife. His daughter was named rose, after her mother, and her and her wife would become some of the greatest adventures the world had ever seen. however morganite would mysteriously go missing after 20 years together. His son would become the one to revolutionise just what a machine could do as he moved us away from steam to gears and he started to channel the power of electricity. He had 3 children, although one of them died before birth. His son, Smokey, helped with making electricity more accessible to the public and his daughter, tanzanite, was the first child of a zirconia to not have their intelligence. Not mentally at least as many described her as knowing the right words to help those who she talked to.' Onyx stopped to take a moment to think about what it meant, and she knew almost immediately this it means emotional

She proceeded to only have one child, zircon. He picked up where uncle left off and once electricity became a standard, his daughter and his son could take over. Malachite was the son; he and his husband made the plans for the citadel and helped the current previous king prove why it was the best idea for the people. His daughter, chalcedony, and her husband helped work on the citadel, but their main focus was raising their son, coal. Coal is the most resent zirconia we know much about. In school he always had high marks and he soon found his lifelong partner. After he turned 19 the remainder of his family where killed while construction finished on the citadel and not to long after he ran away with his girlfriend, alexandrite, and hey soon settled down and had two children. The first one was diamond and he looked to be on the right track to being as good if not better than his farther. The daughter is only 2 years old as of writing this, but alexandrite didn't make it through the second birth and don't know where she'll go or what she'll do but we have high hopes for both of the zirconia children.'

She started to cry after reading it. "the hope was misplaced." She said whispering through the tears. "what?" copper asked, "I'm the zirconia and I'm a mess." She responded. "no, you're not. You've been through so much and I might not know you all that well, but I still think you are one of the best people I've ever met. You made a functioning interdimential portal. You are better than you give yourself credit for." Copper told her. She went to the bathroom to wash away the puffy eyes she had just gained, and copper gave the section a look over and opened the picture of coal zirconia. Onyx came back and wanted to check the book out and go. "onyx didn't you say that the name of topaz's accomplice was coal?" "yeah but it's a different coal then the one in there, I'm Shure of it." "take another look." Copper asked of onyx and she did so. Her face went a dark grey and her hands weren't to far behind. "when I find him, I'm going to kill him." She said grabbing the book checking it out and going back to the citadel to explain what she found.

Chapter 3B – having to deal with fears.

"are you ok onyx, we haven't talked in nearly a week?" Gwen asked forcing her way through the phone by sending it as an emergency call. "turns out coal is my 'dad'..." she explained "how did you find out?" Gwen asked "it's this history book, it has my entire family linage in it, and it was created when I was two, so just before me and diamond became orphans. I don't know how anymore but I need to find out." onyx said pacing around her room. "you need to calm down, you're in your heightened state. You know you can't think straight in that state." Onyx took the advice and tried to calm down when she noticed something going wrong in the water. "sorry Gwen I've got to go, bearer duties." She said before hanging up on Gwen.

She ran out of the building and she went to the ocean and called Adella. "what's going on down their?" she asked, "I don't know but the currents are getting strong." Adella explained as she made her way to onyx. "did you make those adjustments?" "I did but..." "but..." Adella pushed onyx to explain. "I hate going underwater after what happened last year." "what happened?" "when trying to save aqua there was a giant wave that nearly drowned me." Onyx explained. "well we need to investigate, so you need to get in here." Adella pulled onyx to get in the water but onyx still refused.

By this point she was hyperventilating, and her suite activated. It came out of her hoodie and pants and it enveloped her entire body. The suit still had two legs but, the suit was trying to transform. "pleas onyx, you need to help me." Adella said as she tried to comfort onyx, but she was starting to have a panic attack. "you were fine last week, what brought this on all of a sudden?" Adella asked but before she could ask any further questions she was swept away by the current. Onyx saw it happened and she instinctively jumped in to save Adella. "I'm coming hold on." She said as her grey and green, split diagonally, suit activated it's underwater mode. The green half lit us as her mermaid tail to catch up to Adella where she used her gravity manipulation to stop the current in the area, they were in.

"onyx your underwater." Adella said in an existed tone. "I am, and let's go before it has time to set in that I am." Onyx asked of Adella as they swam up to a rocky cliff. She saw the impressive city that sat before her. The towers where impressive and it had a magical glow to it. "what is this place." Onyx asked being entranced by the city. "that, my friend, is my home city. Welcome to atlantica." Adella introduced her to the city from the cliff side they were on. 

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