Chapter 11A - a heart to heart & Chapter 11B - the choice is yours.

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Chapter 11A – a heart to heart.

It was serial for jasper. It wasn't a bunker with heavy noises, she was in the quiet citadel. The only other person on her floor was Sam, but they were with sapphire as she was grounded from core use for a week after running away. She walked out of her room and she went to the dining room as she was instructed. She may have been the commander of the war, but she knew when to listen to an order. She felt like she was doing something wrong when she walked in as their where many others, but they were dressed more casually then her as she was still wearing heavy camo and her combat boots.

"morning miss Chalcedony." One of the employs stated. "hello there, can you tell me where my seat is." She asked the employee. "you just find a free seat, although your niece is over there with Sam and sapphire." He responded as he walked off. "hey there, you three, mind if I sit here?" jasper asked as she sat down. "how are you holding out after last night?" jasper asked, "I'm eating my sorrows away." Onyx responded in the cheeriest tone she could muster. "that's concerning. I thought you didn't eat anyway?" jasper asked. "I don't have to, but I still can. That's the only way for sapphire to survive now that she has been separated from her core." Onyx responded, "how do you know that?" Sam asked "I may have only been separated from mine twice, but one of them was for 4 years. I would know." Onyx responded as sapphire and Sam finished up and moved on.

"are you Shure your all right, you still seem shook. I mean I was in a war and I'm still trying to figure out what happened." Jasper asked again. "I've bean dealing with this sort of thing on a weekly basis, this was just a little more extreme. Being the most power core bearer at such a young age is a curse. Especially when it leads to your brother's death." She said slowly descending into madness. Jasper saw she needed to change the subject and fast. "why don't you give me a tour around the place, it's big and it would be nice to know where I'm going." Jasper asked of her niece. "it would be nice to spend some time with my last living relative." Onyx responded as she jumped up from her seat. The action was sending jasper to many mixed signals to count, so she didn't.

"first is where I spend most of my time in the citadel, the lab." She said as she placed her hand on the scanner. "what's with all of the security?" jasper asked as onyx's multi-colored eyes where scanned. "since my brother's fake and the other bootlegs kept on breaking in, we had to seal off he vents and add the extra security since the portal we he made is nearly fixed back up." Onyx responded as they walked inside. "so if I've got my story straight, you got lost in another dimension, lost your memory and diamond ended up killing himself trying to get you all home but it was you who had to kill him to keep the timeline straight. So, then you decided to fix the machine, you all got back, and you had to fight topaz as she tried to take over the kingdom only for her accomplice to make it away. That accomplish was coal and he made clones of you all?" jasper asked. "that's still missing a few details but that's the basics of it." onyx responded. "so, what's in there?" jasper asked opining up another door.

"NO WAIT!!" onyx yelled as jasper walked in., she could see the pod and the person it contained. "you brought her here?" jasper asked "I wasn't going to leave there to die. Unlike the others she never actually fought any of us. Unlike the others, when her fight or flight kicked in, she always flew. She deserved to be at least given a choice on what to do." Onyx explained. "your better than I am. If it was me who had to make that choice, I would have left her." Jasper said as she lowered herself to onyx's eye leave. "it didn't feel right to do that, so I'm going to give her a choice of staying or going. She deserves at last that much." Onyx responded. "your only 15, you shouldn't be this mature." Jasper said with a smile. "you learn fast when you have to take care of yourself because your brother works from noon till night to provide what he can." She responded sitting down. "I just wanted to thank you for coming to find me, I've got all the proof I need that your mother made a good choice." Jasper responded. "I needed that; I just feel so wrong for what's happened as none of it would have happened if it wasn't for me." "and you've gotten up and your righting the wrongs that, not just you, have made. Take her as example." Jasper responded. They hugged and continued their tour around the citadel.

Chapter 11B – the choice is yours.

Obsidian awoke in a pod and she could feel the déjà vu hurling in, as well as a tornado of pain. "where am I?" she asked taking a few steps before having to use the work bench for support. "take it easy, you're still recovering." Onyx said helping obsidian sit down. "why are you helping me?" "I couldn't just leave you for dead. What you did for me was brave. Why did you do it?" onyx asked sitting on the opposite side to the table. "he told me he wouldn't kill any of you. I was going to make him keep to his word." She said as she gave a weak smile. "you didn't need to do that for me." Onyx stated as she stood up. "you might want to put this on, your current one has a massive hole in it." onyx said giving obsidian a recreated dress and turning around. Obsidian got changed and asked what happens now.

"now you have a difficult choice to make. You can stay with me and the others or you can go back to you family." Onyx explained. Obsidian looked out of the window, at the park, and back at onyx who was leaving. "I should give you some space to think about this. the choice was practically forced on me, I don' want to force that on you. "onyx said shutting the door. While obsidian thought the choice over, onyx went to explained the situation. "we are not keeping another traitor among us." Ruby said. "I've been through her memories thanks to the memory machine, she's got the same issue I did. She has amnesia from before she was created. The other bootlegs spoke like they knew something we didn't. I think that they were given memories while they were inside of their pods. My data was to corrupted slightly so I don't think he could have given her memories." Onyx tried to explained.

"I agree, when ever given the choice to fight or run, she would run." Granite said. "she's not a bad person she was just given a bad family, you three should know about it." citrine continued pointing at the beryl siblings. "he's got a point." Sapphire, still not having her core, added on. "have you forgotten when four of them came after you and onyx?" ruby asked. "why are you so against this?" pearl asked. "because after everything that happened, we shouldn't trust any of them." Ruby responded. "if my daughter trusts them, I trust them." Aqua said "she led to us forming an alliance with Atlantic and the queens of the wilting willows are willing to finally work with us on land after her display of power." Pearl added on to aqua's statement. "if everybody else is willing to trust them, I'll give them a shot." "let's make it a vote." Granite said as he called out for all of those in trusting in obsidian and it was 8 against 1. "you've made your point." Ruby said grumbling off.

Onyx went back into the room to see what obsidians answer was going to be. "I'll stay." She said almost immediately. "if you stay, you won't be able to go back to them." Onyx explained trying to make Shure obsidian knew of the consequences of her actions. "they aren't the best people, I realized that while listing to them talking. I also heard everybody wanting to give me a chance. I haven't me people as nice as you before. I want to stay; I want to make them understand that we could be better." Obsidian explained. "let's go and introduce you properly." Onyx said as she took obsidian's hand and they went out to introduce obsidian. 

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