BONUS: Earlier elements of the stories

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This will be more informal where I go over some concepts that I had while making the stories. The first thing would have to be the inception. The truth is that, like any good stories, started as a fanfiction of a different stories. You could probably guess what it was, but if you couldn't it was steven universe where onyx was a gem with a mentor of pyrite. It was something that lasted for a few months until steven universe future came around and I realised that I just didn't have the same love of the universe that I once did. However I combined it with another idea I had a while ago, back when I was in high school. ,it was a basic text based adventure game (a concept I still might revisit) where a dragon would come steel people leading to everybody running to a mountain where they find a prophecy about how one of onyx's other classmates would be the one to take down the dragon.

However due to the classmate being a coward, the main character would have to take the place with their best friend. Theses characters would later become onyx, Gwen, and ted (you can guess who who is) and it would later evolve into the disaster based story of onyx and the power of gravity until we got to the final product. The cores came in later when I decided to add some mystery and the time travel element was added into the story when I was going back to rewrite the story back in October. ,the original ending was as simple as onyx still lost diamond, but her house was rebuilt by the other three core bearers would rebuild it where they would live happily ever after. However I changed it to leave on a cliff hanger to allow for further stories as I loved writing for theses characters.

There wasn't to much cut from onyx stories from midtown, other then it was called onyx stories. The main thing that was changed was that they was going to be a few monsters running around from onyx's dimension, but that was changed as I further developed crystalopolis and the surrounding area. Literally nothing changed for onyx returns home, but a lot changed for onyx: tales from the citadel. This story. He original idea of onyx vs coal was pushed back to the edge of the of the stories. Diamond was going to be brought back through time travel, but that was a terrible idea. Some chapters where shuffled during the original rewrite. Jasper was added in later on and there was a chapter dealing with a daughter that she had, giving onyx somebody to compete with but when I further fleshed out jasper's character that didn't work out. Glass was going to be younger and have a crush on onyx that would later turn to obsidian, that didn't work out to well.

Finally onyx's past and ancestry was not as fleshed out and I didn't put to much thought into it the first time. I later did when I went back and changed things around for plot purposes. Finally chapters 26-29 were added to set up further stories, however only one of those isn't being made into a story and one of those has been pushed back to the second phase. While each of the other dimensions is a parody of a different show (ben 10, hazbin hotel, ok ko, dragon prince & meta runner) other ideas of parody dimensions I had where for: amphibia, the owl house, steven universe (would have come full circle but I decided against it due to me now hating that version of the character) and duck tales (that one was dropped fast.)

While I did have an idea of what the cores were going to look like, but I haven't finished the design or even figured out use a ruler so the designs for the cores' symbols (something that barely made it in and was barely mentioned at all) but I have the designs and some other ideas for the cores. The light core was going to be an undead core but I had no way of telling myself of how they got necromancy from the fire core's blueprints and remaining crystal so that didn't happen. The weather core was something I had a rough time of creating to be different from pearl so I toned down her manipulation over the weather so that citrine could have something more unique.

The new core bearers did have something more to do but I didn't like how I took them and when I aged them up by a few year so that they were 18 – 19 the crush that glass originally had on onyx didn't make sense anymore when she was 15 at the time and it was a case of just trying to give him something where he needed something, but he eventually fell to the background more and more becoming the forgotten core bearer as everybody else had something, sapphire was just with aqua and helped out onyx and obsidian, copper had a slight rivalry with onyx and he helped out with the tech areas like onyx, citrine was the leader and had a few cut ideas and obsidian had the most focus due to the (literal) parallels she had with onyx's old self and giving onyx a chance to help her "old self"

Other areas that I never gave a name do have a name I just never mentioned it because I forgot to TBH. The beach in mid-town is the azure blue coast, the other town where Jake lives is Qrading. While I don't have other locations to name, let me know on my twitter if there are any questions you have.

Thank you for reading and I hope you come back for more of my stories, or don't I'm not the boss of you, I can only hope that you do. 

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