Chapter 27A - when everybody's super & Chapter 27B - magic is in the trees

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Chapter 27A – when everybody's super

Stepping out of the portal they looked around. They saw people doing many different things. "what is this place?" Citrine asked. Hey, continued to look around to see that the city was filled with large, imposing buildings and there was a school behind them. "we need to find whoever's here, and we need to find what they're looking for." Granite reminded Citrine. They found himself in a park not too far in. "is it just me, or are those hills looping." Citrine asked. "keep focused." Granite reminded Citrine.

"I think marble's in the town centre." "how can you tell?" granite asked. "I think the police sirens and the superheroes flying in, is a good indicator." Citrine responded. "this place is filled with people with superpowers, I think that there will be super villains here." Granite explained. "how many of them do you think would look like you?" Citrine asked. "all right, let's go." Granite said as he launched them to the city centre. "where is it?" marble demanded to know. "listen, we have no idea what you're talking about, you need to calm down." A police officer asked holing the oncoming meteor flying his way.

"stop right their marble, your time here is over. Where taking you back." Citrine announced "not until I've gotten the clock." He responded, he then threw a car at them using his powers. The two formed their weapons and they got ready to fight. "all right everybody stop, your saviour is here." Someone announced walking over to them. "who are you, some big shot?" marble asked. "I am aether, the elite of gravity. Stand back citizens, I will handle this fiend." He said while the three of them looked in confusion.

He attacked with punches that made tiny blackholes after every hit. "he's going to tear marble apart." Citrine noted. "we need to create a diversion, so he goes after someone else." Granite mentioned. "you go and distract the maniac; I'll take on your bootleg. Do you think you can handle that?" Citrine asked. "I managed to handle 9 other core bearers. I will keep him busy, just take him." Granite responded. "hay, you big bully. Come and take me." He said throwing a chunk of the road at aether. "I'm sorry, if you wanted my attention it'll take more than that to grab my attention." aether said as granite threw his flail at ether. "how did you make that?" "just one of the many powers I have. Come and try and take them." Granite taunted. "having multiple powers is illegal, where are you from?" aether asked, "I'm from another dimension and I came to stop him from taking that clock." He said pointing at the clock on the tower.

However, marble was able to steal the clock from under their noses. "well, look who failed. I guess I'll be seeing you around. "marble said activating a mini portal behind him. "we should go, they'll need us." Citrine said while granite was trying to avoid the blackhole punches. "activate your suit and we can go back." Citrine reminded granite. They activated their suits and they were teleported back to the citadel. "maybe I can bring her back after all..." eather told himself watching the two disappear.

Chapter 27B – magic is in the trees

As ruby and aqua left the portal, aqua could tell that ruby was still angry at her. "I'm sorry for not realising it wasn't you." "that's not the issue, the issue is that no one noticed. Only onyx was weary of me and even then, we barley spend any time together. We spent 18 years stuck together, you should have known." Ruby responded not looking his twin in the eye. Aqua felt too bad to try to do the same. Aqua decided to look around the environment. The trees looked magical, the sky was a pure blue and whatever creature there where around where mystifying to her.

"let's get this over and done with. Who are we after this time?" ruby said starting a flame under his feet, but he stomped it out. They walked and they soon came across a small village. Something was off about the people who were there, they had pointy ears and they seemed to be using magic. "we might want to avoid them." Aqua said but ruby decided to run in. "where are they?" he asked with his fists in flames. "cool off bro." she said putting out the flames on his fists. "sorry about him, he's just angry." Aqua said trying to get them out of there. The group of people tried to crowed them. "we've never seen a human use magic before." One of them said looking at the semi spheres on the twins hands.

"yeah, where not from around here... wait did you say humans? What are you guys then?" aqua asked "where elves. Where are you from anyway?" one of the elves asked. "it's a long story, but where after someone. They may look like us, we don't know which one came here yet." Aqua explained as ruby got ready to fight his way out. Suddenly aqua could see smoke. "what's that?" ruby asked looking for a distraction. "NOT THE GREAT WOODS!" the leader yelled. They group of elves ran off with the twins behind them. "oh, it's you." Ruby said upon seeing spinel standing there. "listen faker, why don't you come down here so I can kick your but for replacing me for nearly 2 months?" ruby asked. "all right then, faker. But I could only do that thanks to your family's lack of care for you." Spinel responded putting some wood in his pocket. "oh, and we won't be needing this anymore." Spinel exclaimed getting down from the tree's branch and lighting the tree on fire.

Ruby took spinel out of the woods during the cores of the fight and aqua got started on putting out the wildfire rampaging through the forest. She took water from the puddles and she had to resort to using water vapor from the air to make it work out. "I wish there was a cloud right now, I could really use more water to manipulate." She told herself when the elves came in with water coming behind them. "where water elves, what where you expecting?" the leader asked as they put the fire out. "thanks, but I've got it from here. Go and help out my brother." Aqua said to the leader nodded, as he could see her holding the massive amount of water over the forest. "come on men, let's go and defeat that menace." The leader said.

"don't bother trying, he duped me. when he was far enough away, he went back to our dimension." Ruby explained heating up the ground to dry the water, but not enough to burn anything. "whatever just happened, I want to thank you two for heling us. I still wonder how you have your magic." The leader thanked the two. "we're from another dimension so the rules of our world are different to yours." Aqua said as they activated their suits and, simultaneously, they were sent back to the citadel. "I'm guessing it didn't go well for you two eighter?" ruby asked. "no, but we discovered a world of superheroes and the big guy was a maniac who tries to kill everybody he sees. So that was fun." Citrine responded. "I hope that the others are doing well." Granite said looking back at the portal machine. 

onyx: Tales From The CitidalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora