Chapter 22A - the bunker in the bark & Chapter 22B - the reactor incident.

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Chapter 22A – the bunker in the bark.

"are you going to be all right for today's assignment?" citrine asked sapphire. "it's been a week now; I've had my time. I'll be fine, I can't say the same for aqua and onyx." Sapphire responded. Citrine called his team to the training room. "we still have no idea what the bootlegs are up to and topaz still hasn't been found. We need to find them soon. There has been noticeable activity in the bunker so I'm sending copper and glass to take a look. While the other three of us will try the bunker again. There has to be something." Obsidian raised her hand. "you don't need to raise your hand but go ahead." Citrine said. "well, copper and I took a look through my memories, I have a faint map of the place but it's nothing substantial. I even drew it up." She explained as she handed him a few different pages. "how many levels diose this place have?" Citrine asked. "more than we thought." Copper responded. "aright, glass and copper go to the generator and give it a good look. The rest of us, let's go explore an underground bunker." Citrine said trying to be inspirational.

They split off and the trio went back to the bunker. "do you think we could take the 6 of them?" obsidian asked. "well, I managed to take three of them on my own." "you had onyx to help you with zirconia. The others have to be more careful, but zirconia is nothing but speed." Citrine responded. "kill joy." Sapphire responded under her breath as they were only halfway down the ladder. "he's right, I've seen him fight and I've seen it through the suit that onyx gave me. He's ruthless and the only reason we've managed to beat him was because onyx could match that speed. Without it we need to be careful." Obsidian responded as they finally reached the bottom of the path. Obsidian activated the suit, that had been woven into her dress, and they reached for where the secrete stairs would be.

"sapphire could you give us some plant light?" Citrine asked "that's not how my powers work. One of those plant's would have to be nearby." Sapphire explained. Obsidian pressed a virtual button on the screen of her suit and a light appeared from the chest of the suit. "we should go now." Obsidian responded as she continued to descend the spiralling staircase. "watch for the traps." Obsidian said as she dogged out of the way of the fire pit. "they must really not want anybody to come down here." Sapphire commented. When they reached the bottom, they could see that everybody was there. "it's been weeks, you can let me go now." Someone in the room called out. "if we let you out, you'll tell your little friends about us being here." Zirconia responded. They got a better look and it was ruby. "what's he doing here?" Citrine whispered to the two on the other side but they could give no response.

"what about your 'sister'? she could still find this place." "no, her memories are fuzzy at best." Zirconia responded. "what about them 3, and who's the guy in the pod, and where's topaz." Zirconia just rubbed his head. "can one of you please shut him up." Zirconia demanded as he watched the counter go down on the timer. "I need to go and get spinel and get to their reactor. I'll be back soon." He said speeding off, not even noticing that the three where standing just behind the doorway. "ok, we can take 3 of them. We need to go in there and get ruby." Citrine told the other two. Citrine created his thunderclouds, and charged his fists with electricity, sapphire made her vine whips and obsidian created a few shield for them. Sapphire and Citrine went in screaming. Sapphire attacked lapis and Citrine went for opal. "why are you siding with these people. How many lies have they told you?" marble asked going to attack obsidian.

"they helped me when you were going to leave me for dead. I've learned so much about myself and I've found a new, better family." Obsidian responded as she continued to block punches. "what are you doing the keep her there?" lapis asked sapphire being curious about obsidian's loyalty. "we didn't tie her up. She showed her love and support. Besides, you kept yours locked up." Sapphire responded trying to get to ruby with her whips. "why don't you just burn the rope?" Citrine asked. "I can't activate anything without moving my hands." "what about your fire knuckles?" sapphire asked. He tried and he couldn't activate it. obsidian placed the red button on the virtual screen and there was a burst of flame that came out and burned the ropes. "I need to ask onyx about this when we get back." Obsidian responded as she heard a familiar sonic boom. "guys, he's coming. We need to go now." Obsidian said and sapphire grabbed them all in her vine whip and they made a long hole in the room thanks to a burst of flame from ruby. They got onto a cloud that Citrine made and they floated out of the hole.

Upon seeing the mess and lack of ruby, he asked how they messed it up. "it was that suit that your sister got off of her fake." Lapis explained. "now I need to go and get our spy. Wait for topaz o return. She should be back with the crystals soon. Lapis, you may need to go and help her." Zirconia said as he ran off. "£so now what?" obsidian asked. "now we need to go and get my bootleg. How could none of you tell it was me?" ruby asked. "we barely know you." Sapphire responded. "we even took spinel to see our dying mom." Sapphire continued. "ok, when we get back, I'm having a serios talk with my entire family. Onyx included." "to be fair, she's had her suspicions and she even told me so. I just didn't think anybody could pull the apathetic style that you do." Obsidian responded as they approached the citadel.

Chapter 22B – the reactor incident.

"so what do you need me to do down here?" glass asked copper. "I need you to defend me while I see what is going on with the reactor." Copper explained as the elevator door opened. "this is more then I was expecting." Copper said seeing the device in front of him. It was a massive machine that had rooms for maintenance and it hade massive metal tubes going into the lava. "how long has this been down here?" glass asked. "since Malachite zirconia first made the plans for this tower with his husband." Copper responded in awe himself. "do you think onyx has this potential in her?" glass asked. "she made a portal and she's working on making it smaller with small crystals. I think she has more potential. I'd tell her but team jewel has been gone for the past week helping out jasper." Copper explained.

They moved into the reactor and they saw the massive computer that controlled the entire machine. "do you think you can find any information to help us?" glass asked. "I could, but it might take a while." Copper responded. "ok, I'll see you in a minute. The green one's here?" glass said jumping out of the window and onto the platform near the elevator. "move to the side or I'll shatter you." Zirconia responded. "I don't think so." Glass responded making his rainbow scimitar. "listen rainbow, I don't have time for this. my dad is going to awaken any day now, I need to recharge these crystals." "why are you telling me this?" "to distract you." Zirconia responded trying to sprint of, but glass sent his earpiece an ear piercing screech.

"I think I have time to deal with you." Zirconia responded turning around and running up to glass' face. "you're on." Glass responded swinging at him. The sword miss and he ran behind glass. Glass formed a rainbow shield as fast as he could, and it was enough to block zirconia's attack. "HOW MUCH LONGER?" glass yelled to copper. "IF I DO THIS WRONG, THE WHOLE THING CAN BLOW UP!" copper responded as zirconia ran behind him and punched him in the back. He went flying into the side of the reactor and he had to use his sword to stand on, to jump off of. "you can't see me." Zirconia said, his voice echoing around the underground Chasm they were in. glass used a new ability, which gave him x-ray vision, and he saw that diamond was moving at an increasing speed. He recreated the rainbow bubble and he braced for impact. "all right we can go." Copper said making a helicopter out of his malleable backpack.

"where did you even get that backpack?" glass asked. "it's alien tech. but I'm Shure that will have no negative repercussions." Copper responded as they was zirconia run into the reactor and back out of it in just a few seconds. "we should tell the others." Glass suggested. "something tells me they already know." Copper responded. They meat up in the throne room to discuss everything with the king. "he was missing?" pyrite asked. "no, he was replaced." Citrine responded. Sapphire called the other team and told them what was going on. "they've found topaz and from the looks of it, lapis is with them." "so what do we do?" obsidian asked looking at Citrine for leadership. "we can't get their fast enough to do anything." Citrine responded. They all looked out of the window and looked at the wilting woods.

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