Chapter 5 - the first confrontation.

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She lay there, not being able to stand and she used her communicator to send a S.O.S and to meet on room 56. "onyx are you ok, what's going on?" aqua asked when rushing in. she saw onyx lay on the floor and she saw the mermaid in the pool, and she made a judgment. "what did you do?" she demanded to know. "I didn't do anything, she brought me here." Adella tried to explain herself. "you're going to tell what you did to my daughter, or else." She explained as she reached to take off the inhibitor on her wrist. "no... she hasn't done anything... leave her be." onyx asked of aqua. "what happened?" aqua asked onyx cooling off and placing her spear back in the water. 

"there's something wrong in the water, I went to investigate, and I paid the consequence." Onyx explained as everyone else came into the room. "what's wrong onyx?" granite asked crouching down and meeting her an eye level. "guys look outside. There is defiantly something wrong." Glass said looking out of the window that was facing the park. "but she's here, how is aqua all the way over there." Ruby asked. "I don't know but we need to investigate." Aqua said noticing a water version of her in the ocean. "no." onyx responded. "what?" copper asked. "focus on saving the people. Split up and save the people before you go and investigate." Onyx explained.

"she's right, and since where short a number, aqua, you're going to take the mermaid and go investigate with glass. If onyx trust her, I trust her. Copper and I will take the south, sapphire and Citrine have the east, ruby and pearl have the west. Aqua and her team will have to check the north while they check what's going on. Onyx you stay here and rest, you're in no condition to fight." Grannie gave everybody their sections of the city and they were off. Onyx just lay there, powerless to anything else.

While team, south east and west, where able to find and save everyone, team north had great difficulty. Since aqua had to take Adella through her, already limited, powers she didn't have much to spare and glass was able to make bridges of rainbows and to create a city wide and was able to create radio signal to explain that everybody needed to brace for impact. They found themselves at the ocean and aqua had to lower Adella into the ocean. "listen mermaid we may need to work together, but that doesn't mean I have to like you." Aqua explained as she looked around for whoever that person was. "what's your issue with me?" Adella asked. "you're a mermaid, you're all the same. You think that because you can breathe on both land and water your so much better than everybody else." Aqua explained

"would you listen to yourself. No we don't, well maybe the king, but not the rest of us. Me and onyx where friends before she ever met you, we need to work together. For her sake. I know that the situation where in isn't the best, but you need to trust me." Adella ride to reason with aqua. "guys, you might want to stop what you're doing and look at this. The three of them saw a version of aqua with her back to them and their head tiled to be on their shoulder, floating with her feet in the water that was raised above them. "whoever you are, you need to stop, your causing so much trouble for the city." Aqua asked of the woman.

She turned around slowly and when they had turned around, they could see that there was water leaking from her mouth and eyes, her eyes where completely dark blue her hair was almost pitch black. "what is hat thing?" Adella asked. The water sopped flowing from the eyes and her mouth, but her hair stayed a very dark blue. "my name is lapis lazuli, and you will all pay for what happened to boyfriend and his farther." She said as the sounds screeched across the entire park. She became completely enveloped in water and when the water stopped moving, she was in a massive water form. It had water in the flexible areas, like joints, and the harder sections, like the fists and feet, where made of ice. Aqua prepared her spear, glass prepared his rainbow scimitar and Adella went under the water and entered the monster through the water that was constantly feeding into it.

Meanwhile onyx was sulking on the floor and wanting to do more. Suddenly she saw a green flash speed by. "it can't be." She told herself as she found the energy to stand up and follow the green streak, leaving her own grey and green streak. When she arrived at the lab, she saw him. She was in shock and she couldn't believe it. "diamond is that you?" she asked as she went in for a tearful hug. "you." He responded in a menacing tone. He grabbed her by the hood and he thew her against the wall. "what are you doing, it's me. Your sister, onyx." Onyx asked as she started to get scared. "no you're not. You nearly killed my farther and you will pay." He said speeding over to her and grabbing her by the hood and he thew her into another room.

Onyx realised that this wasn't the diamond she knew, and she entered her super state, small debris started to orbit her, and her speed was increased exponentially. "you're not him, you a fake." She said as she grabbed him by the shirt and ran him out of the citadel. Shattering the glass with a small sonic boom. Aqua, glass and Adella where barely able to keep up with lapis' attacks. Adella managed to get the closest as she was almost able to get to lapis, who was in the head of the monster, when she caught Adella sneaking through the water body she created for herself and thew her out of the body and she went into to punch Adella with an icy fist when onyx came speeding by.

To her, the moment she made the decision lasted a century. She saw the situation and she jumped into the air she span around in the air to build up momentum and she through the fake diamond at the monster. The ice surrounding the head shattered as the fake diamond hit the fake aqua. "what just happened?" glass asked getting to his feet. Onyx didn't respond she just lay down and let out tears of silent screams and she fell asleep. When she came too, everybody was surrounding her, and the king of the underwater city was their as well. "I'm getting tiered of waking up like this." She joked as she sat up.

"that was impressive but what happened?" aqua asked "when you guys left, I saw diamond running to the lab after running to diamonds old room and I gave chance. However he didn't recognise me or even accolade that I was his sister and he the opposite was true. So I entered a further heightened state, that I'm calling my super state, and I just blacked out." She explained. "well, I need to apologise for what happened back down there. I was in my own blinding rage; you and your friends are all welcome to our fair city anytime you want to. Just give us a warning next time." Onyx just gave a thumbs up and fell back down on her back. "so where did you get that suit?" pearl asked seeing the suit she was in. "I reversed engineered your suit and was able to make my own. She responded. "well, it was diamond's designed." Pearl responded as everybody got back up and headed back to the citadel.

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