Chapter 13A - learning about her aunt & Chapter 13B - discussion of land.

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Chapter 13A – learning about her aunt.

As the king and onyx where going through the hallways she felt uneasy. "where are we going." She asked. "I'm going to be honest; I didn't call you here just to talk about the treaty. I discovered a secrete passage in the library and it's too small for me." "so why not send Adella or a servant in there." Onyx asked. "we did, however there's an air pocket none of them could get through." The king explained. "do you have any idea what's through their?" "the only other time we found any secrete passage around here was one that rose made." "who's rose?" "your great aunt." He king said with a straight, emotionless, face. "wait she came here?" onyx asked stopping in her tracks. "she lived with my grandad. However she led to his death, but after seeing that not all zirconia's are bad... I wonder if she actually killed him." The king pondered.

They arrived at the library and the king showed her the hallway. "I'll see you soon." Onyx said as she descended into the hallway. The hallway was dimly lit, although her suit had a flashlight, and it was getting cooler to the point where she could feel the cold through her heated suit. "I wonder how she lived down here for so long?" onyx asked herself as she reached the end of the long, winding and underwear hallway. She could see he water end and she made her fish tail become a pair of legs again.

She prepared herself and she walked in to see a small library. She walked through the 10X10 room and she saw a book open on the desk. She looked at the title the book was about. "the big book of information about the cores. A book by rose zirconia and garnet ******." She gasped and looked through the book "the water core is a core of life. The core that gave us life and that could be used to fix the kingdom." She was reading through the overview of each core. "the earth core. The core of craftsman ship and leadership. A core that demands the user be calm and collected in order to wield the power it holds. The fire core. The core of power. This core requires it's user to be head strong but to know when to give up. The air core. The core of versatility and range. The core requires the user to be very versed in many different way of attack and defence as well as having a keen eye for distances. The gravity core. This is to dangerous to use. It led to this cities demise. If there was a user, it would have to be someone who is quick on their feet and who can make decisions quickly. The user will have to be emotionally and physically strong. Do not allow it to come into contacts with the other cores. One final fact is that it was made by the kingdom that is now known as atlantica."

She wanted to read more but she had to stop herself. She encased the book in an air bubble. And she looked around and found a secrete passage in the room. All that was in it was a pure white crystal. She couldn't tell the make of the crystal but when she pulled it closer to herself the water in the room got closer to the room. She just left the crystal on the ground and she figured that's how rose survived. She left the room to see everybody else was there and she took the opportunity to race the book back to her room before anybody would notice, however when she was still moving at a heightened speed, she was able to change the book. She didn't know what she was writing, but it was being written by her left hand. When it was done there was something written on the page of the gravity core "try again, this is incorrect." She ran and swam back to her the citadel where she proceeded to discuss and got the peace treaty signed.

Chapter 13B - discussion of land.

After sending onyx and obsidian to the Atlantic kingdom, everybody else was off to discuss what was going to happen with the distribution of land in the wilting woods. "all right everybody, let me, granite and Citrine handle the talking." Jasper said as they entered the tent where it was being discussed. "ah, commander jasper, king pyrite. It's nice to have your attendance today. Please take a seat." The commander of the opposite side. "thanks but the others can wait outside, I have full permission to take control over land distribution." Jasper said sitting down with Citrine and granite sitting down with her "is this really necessary?" the other commander asked. "this should keep you inline when setting boundaries." Jasper responded. "also because, they're going to help with the discussions." She added on.

"so this is what we were thinking about doing." The other commander said handing jasper a map with a line being around the halfway point. "so what's this you've obviously drawn around?" jasper asked noticing an obvious deviation around something. "that's none of your business." The other commander said. "this is a discussion of land; I know you wouldn't give up more then you need to. Citrine, take team gem and find out what's happening in this area." Jasper asked of Citrine and he went and gathered the other three members of them that where there and he went to the decided upon point. "are you just going to listen to her?" copper asked citrine. "I'm not the girl I once was, I now know when to take an order and when to stand up to an order." Citrine explained "but you never do?" copper responded. "boys, stop fighting where here." Sapphire said as she made it known, as she was the map reader.

They saw a massive mine and they could see crystals being mined. "what crystals are those?" glass asked making a pair of binoculars out of a rainbow. He passed them to Citrine who made them darker and easer to see through. "it's elemental crystals." "what?" glass asked, "crystals that harness the power of the different elements, they helped to build our, and onyx's, cores." citrine explained. "so why is this happening? What could they want?" sapphire asked as copper ran into the mine. "do you think he'll realise that he forgot his tech backpack?" sapphire asked as she held up a backpack with a black exterior, with green lines and a white interior. It was made out of a malleable, but same, material that he could manipulate with his powers. "nope." Citrine stated as he made his rain clouds. "come on." He said as sapphire made her vine whips and glass made his rainbow scimitar.

"what did you find?" jasper asked over a communicator. "we've found an uncooperative teammate and a mine of elemental crystals." Citrine explained. "you forgot this." sapphire said as she attached the backpack to her vine whip, and she swung it at copper. He took it and placed it on his back. He turned it into a laser gun, and he stared shooting the hordes of people coming at them. They tried to tone down the damage to the people as these where regular people and not the bootlegs they where use to. Copper used his powers to keep the communicator to his ears. "what's going on over their?" jasper asked. "it's that these people are regular people trying to get these crystals. Our powers are overkill for this sort of thing." He explained as he turned the laser gun into a shield. "it's an illegal mining operation, but their making the crises into weapons and we're getting overwhelmed over here and I think that onyx and obsidian's communicators aren't picking up." Jasper explained "but I've managed to call onyx before while she was down there." Aqua added on. "obsidian is famous for forgetting her communicator." Copper responded as he turned the shield into a sword and smaller shield, taking information from his partner.

"that's enough." Sapphire said entering her heightened state and traped everybody in vines. "if they were making weapons out of these, don't you think that they would be using them?" glass asked. "they would be spears seem off for this sort of thing. There's something else." Citrine commented. "well, it's going to have to wait, we need help here." Granite said over the communicator. The four of them speed off on a spring flower, of sapphire's creation, and they were able to help them overpower the people that where fighting them, and they got what they wanted. "I'll send some soldiers to take a closer look later, for now, Sam ran off in fear so you might want to go and find him sapphire." Jasper said. When sapphire found Sam, they headed back to here from the other two that where under water. 

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