19. Bubble

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She sits by the pool with her feet in the water and watches me mysteriously in the distance as I do my cross training exercises. It's hard to concentrate.

The day is already well underway and we haven't done much more than relax, eat and stick together.

I can't explain the attraction I feel for her. Of course, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever held in my arms but there is something else, something powerful that I have never felt for anyone before her ...

The look in her eyes, the shivers on my skin when she touches or caresses me, the effect of her voice...I feel possessed.

And I feel that she feels the same way about me. Impossible to hide it. The way she undresses me with her eyes, the tension in her body when I get close to her, the connection we both feel, we understand each other without even having to talk to each other. It's almost embarrassing.

This way our bodies fit together, dance together, communicate when we make love...as if we were made for each other...this way she has of freeing herself with me and freeing me.

I've never had so much fun, never.

In less than twenty-four hours we have already made love three times.

The first round, initiated together, intense and explosive, the one of discovery, of unconditional desire, the one where every mountain, every valley remains to be discovered, the one that transforms fantasy into reality.

The second round, that of my appetite for this nymph barely out of Morpheus' arms, of this sexy girl in my loose T-shirt...a bestial, exciting round right in the middle of my father's kitchen.

And the third round by the pool in the middle of the afternoon...the one where she offers to put sun cream on me and where her slippery hands accompany her look on my contracted abdominals...

In the shade of the parasol, tenderly, gently, I let her undulate on me until her pleasure came to choke in my neck. I can still see the perfect curvature of her breasts wiggling above me, her enigmatic smile and this way so sexy that she chews her lip when her pleasure becomes too intense. When she stopped on top of me, panting, contracting every inch of my limb inside her and I felt my own pleasure slipping away without my being able to control anything, grunting my contentment like an animal.

I just hope that my father's neighbors weren't in their garden.

I am interrupted in my reverie by my phone...Burak.

"Hello Burak?"

"Yes, how are you brother? Are you hiding? I know you're off for a few days, I thought we'd go for a little ride ?!"

"Ahhhh, yes I thought about it..."

"well then ? Do you want to go out tonight ? I know about Deniz... Nazli told me..."

"Yes... I'm not very proud of that... She's a nice girl..."

"arffffff don't worry, she will get over it! So we'll see each other tonight ?"

"uh...actually no, I can't, I've already got plans..."

"You don't ? But what ? Where are you?"

"At my father's..."

"But didn't you tell me your father's away these days?"

"I'm just enjoying the pool..."

"all alone? Hmm? You're weird..."

"No, I'm not alone."

Silence on the other end of the phone. Normally I would have unpacked everything, but I know he's going to guess quickly, he knows me too well...

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