25. Blackmailer

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"Only his heart beats against mine.

At that moment I know that whatever happens my soul will remain connected to his.

Intertwined inside each other I smile. I close my eyes, sleep takes me away."

"I love you Can."



Safiye, my agent stormed onto the film set.

I was far too confident. I felt indestructible, strong, carried by this powerful feeling.

In a few hours everything collapsed. I have the feeling that whatever good things happen in my life, I always have to pay a high price behind it.

Am I able to fight against the dark forces that are trying to take me away from Can? All the elements seem to be against us.

My ex, my agent, my producer...

Even my beloved brother seems sceptlc about the potential "sustainability" of our relationship.

I can still hear his words on the way over this morning when he dropped me off at the filming location...

"Far be it from me to meddle in your life, to judge you as a little sister but...it's up to you to know what is most important...your career? Your reputation? Can ? You should take the time to think about it. Don't turn away from the people who have been behind you for so many years pushing you forward."

My mother's words too...which have always been repeating the same things to me...

"never let any man, no matter who he is, take power over your life."

Only Beste defends me and Can. She is the only one who has noticed this communion between us, this attraction impossible to hide.

I go over this impossible problem again and again... between two takes, two calls, two make-up retouching.


A few hours earlier...


I am awakened with a start by the sound of broken glass.

Then the voice of Demet swearing.

I notice men's clothes lying on the chair next to the bed. I put them, in a hurry to go and see what's going on in the next room.

As I approach a quick step I see Demet's face turning towards me very slowly, her face begging me but I don't know why. When I finally understand it's too late, my step will have been faster than my reflection.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! You didn't waste any time!"

I don't like either the tone or the threatening look of our interlocutor.

I turn to Demet again, both bored and panicked at the thought of what might happen.

"Seckin, you should go, I have nothing more to say to you..."

"You've not heard the last of me! Do you think you can humiliate me like that?"

"I didn't humiliate you! You're doing it on your own! Our story is over. I have the right to see who I want!"

Unscripted loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin