28. I Follow You...

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EHHHHH! It's very, very rare that I put my commentary before the chapter but I'll make an exception today. Just before offering you this chapter 28 I wanted to thank you! This week, the story has passed the 50000 views mark. 51000 even today! And it's all thanks to you! I would have never imagined something like this when I started in October 2019! And with each chapter that I translate every week, I dive back in with pleasure, getting a bit carried away when it comes to translating French expressions that don't really have an English translation. It makes me work on my English! So thank you! Because writing has become a passion, an outlet but with an audience it's even better! Come on, I'll stop bothering you with my moods, chapter 28 is now! 



I can't take my eyes off the screen. My jaw is clenched.

Instagram, Twitter and more...pictures of Can are making the buzz on social media.

After his photoshoot yesterday, he went out to Lucca with, among others...that blonde girl I see everywhere. I can't help but feel hurt.

He preferred to go out, without me, leaving me alone with his mother.

I had a wonderful time with Guldem...I don't deny it. But damn! When I see the photos with this blonde who obviously only has eyes for him...grrrrrr I rant. And he's smiling, laughing...in short, having a good time...

This morning, Volkan came to get me. I finally manage to put my foot on the ground and I'm going to take advantage of it to be pampered by the family and spend the day and the next night at my brother's place. I need to take my mind off things, to focus my attention on something else because I feel I'm going to go crazy otherwise.

I lounge in the garden, play board games, blow bubbles...but as soon as my eyes land on my phone screen I shudder before discovering, once again, the same images.

Cagri and Faruk have checked in, I'm fit to go back tomorrow morning but a doctor will be on set to make sure everything is ok.

Guldem also kindly checked on me by message and I replied warmly. When I think of her son I feel a twinge of sadness. I would so much like to give in to this love again. But I can't, there are too many things against us, and this crow, in the shadows, so close to my actions, could hurt Can, and I won't let that happen.

Beste is to come to dinner with us...I know we're going to have a long talk about it. I know I have no right to be jealous...but I can't help it. Of course it was me who left him but...if I meant something to him, how can he flaunt it like that? He must have known that these photos would be published? That they would be the talk of the town? Did he want me to care?

I help my sister-in-law cook, I draw with my nephew, I relax in the bath...

And my phone rings again.

Can. Can. Can. I haven't really counted but it's at least the tenth call.

I finish getting ready and as I enter the garden, Beste is there, all smiles and bubbly.

"hey !!!! How's it going darling?"

She jumps into my arms and gives me a warm hug before pulling back and looking down at my ankle. She notices that I am walking with pleasure.

"You look a little..."

Volkan coughs and intervenes, explaining to her why I am so annoyed. She tries to look sympathetic, but I know what she is thinking deep down.

Unscripted loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora