20. Secret

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September is here.

The shooting continues, its frantic rhythm, its routine which is never the same. Things do not change. Or rather, one essential thing has changed in my life... Demet.

Yet my bed is empty and cold almost every morning.

I would like to shout my love for her, to hold her in my arms at every opportunity, to be proud to hold her hand in public but I can't. I can't do it.

After Seckin's reaction and in anticipation of anything that might harm our working life, we agreed to keep our relationship secret, I would say even more, hidden.

I admit, it's an exhausting exercise.

Three weeks already and I haven't seen anything go by. It's as if the time is distended. There are those moments that fly by, those we really share as a couple, those tiny moments that taste too little...and then there are the others...those when we are working, focused on the same professional goals, or the moments when we are separated.

I don't know which is harder...

Being close to her and having to contain all this love that only wants to spring out of me or simply being away from her.

In order to be able to hold on, we follow strict rules that I sometimes find hard to stick to.

The first one: each to his own home.

The paparazzi are tough and my neighborhood is not really a safe haven. So we have to find parades to find ourselves a little bit apart. It's a bit like the cross and the banner...

The second: arriving on the set and leaving separately.

Sometimes we have been able to circumvent this rule for purely practical reasons, but we have always managed to avoid it.

The third: no inappropriate or explicit gestures on the set.

Obvious, obvious, but in real life it's something else. Especially when the romantic shooting scenes give you substance and the script ends up stopping you in your tracks.

The fourth: the fewer people who know, the better the secret will be kept.

Only the very restricted family circle possibly.

You have to look on the bright side of things, I find it quite exciting in the end, it's unconventional, just like her and me. Since we both talk openly about our relationship, the main thing she keeps telling me over and over again is that she wants to protect what we have from the outside world at all costs, ready to swallow us up.

And when at last, time and providence allow us to find each other again, no words can explain the intensity of what we share.

It is well worth all these concessions to our freedom to be together.


We shoot scenes from episode 11. The great outdoors, nature, the beauty of the landscapes that surround us and the script that leaves us almost free to be natural, almost.

In just a few weeks my life has changed so much...

Three letters, three letters that changed my life.


In a few seconds he captured my gaze, in a few days he touched my soul and in a few weeks he took hold of my heart like no one had ever been able to before.

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