6. Little Star

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I slept like a baby. A whole beautiful night to be relaxed and ready for this day full of promises. Civan is purring in my arms, demanding his morning hug.

"Kedim benimmy kitten, come here..."

It's still early but I have plenty of time to enjoy staying in bed. Civan has grown accustomed to me being around lately but things are going to change...

"You're gonna have to be patient. I'm gonna go back to work and I'm gonna have to leave you alone..."

As if he understood me, he stretches and comes to rest his head inside the palm of my hand, asking for extra cuddles.

Right then,my phone's ringing startles me as "Volkan" appears on the screen.

"Abi! How are you?"

I can already hear the smile in his voice on the other end of the line.

"Good,and how's my little star? I saw you tried to call me."

"Evet. I was very excited last night. I accepted Faruk's proposition. I will be a part of the ErkenciKuş project. I needed to share this with you."

"It's fantastic! So, soon you'll make your way back to shooting sets!"

"Yes, I will. Finally... I'm about to leave. Coming for breakfast with me?You're buying!"

"With pleasure."

I hurry to the shower, carefully choose a pretty dress and arrange my hair. A dash of perfume and makeup and I'm ready. Just enough time to make coffee and Volkan rings at the door.

He puts on the table a bag of croissants from my favorite French bakery as well as a bottle of squeezed orange juice.

"You really are the best of brothers."

He smiles at me and kisses the top of my head.

"So,tell me ...?"

"I have an appointment later today for my first work meeting with the staff, the production and the rest of the cast."

"Oh,I see! No time to lose!"

"I can't wait!"

"Gone is the idea of spending the summer lazing around then. How did Seçkin react?"

Oops. Seçkin. I couldn't reach him yesterday. I didn't want to tell him via text and at this time he must still be asleep.I have to let him know before the Turkish press does it. My embarrassed smile speaks volumes and Volkan understands very well that he is for now the only one who knows.

"Everything happened very quickly, and with the job he has, I have not yet managed to talk to him."

"You're not gonna see each other much with this project..."

I let out a long sigh. I'd like to chase away the clouds that darken my mind.

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