44. Maldives

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June 2019


I see her face again when she lifted the box to discover our travel destination...Her eyes filled with a mixture of anxiety and excitement, her childish smile and her upturned lips. How could we resist this face? The Maldives. I can see her jumping up and down and throwing herself into my arms, completely excited by this revelation. I remember seeing, a long time ago, a report on these heavenly islands where newlyweds fly away to isolate themselves from everything and enjoy their happiness of being together in a heavenly environment: the sea as far as the eye can see, the fine sand, the coconut trees. I swore to myself that one day I would take my other half there, and it seems that day has arrived. Like the heroes of the series who dream of flying to the Galapagos, I offer Demet an enchanted interlude at the other end of the world, just her and me for a few days.

After arriving at Male, the main airport, we boarded a seaplane, the only one able to take us to a safe harbor, a small island: Moofushi. And there, even if I have detailed on the internet all the pictures and description of the place, I'm still amazed. This place is incredible. A tiny bit of inhabited land, just an hotel in the middle of nowhere surrounded by the azure immensity. Demet's eyes are not to be outdone. We disembark, eager to be thrust into our dream bubble for five days, which is all the interlude of the series allows but it's already huge.

"Can !!!! Check out !!!! Even the bathroom is huge!!! Oh it's beautiful, it's absolutely amazing! It's beautiful !!!!!"

There aren't enough superlatives in her mouth to express her admiration. And I understand her. This place is indescribable until you set foot in it. The bellman is already here to drop off our luggage and a member of staff tells us, in English, about all the services available, to meet our needs during our stay. He takes his leave and I literally throw myself on the bed, hands behind my head, testing the quality of the bedding.

"We're going to spend five unforgettable days..."

"You're quite sure of yourself..."

Demet comes over and jumps in beside me, testing the comfort of the mattress.

"So is it comfortable enough for you?"

She smiles at me and I would know that expression between a thousand and one, provocative with her teasing look. I straighten up and grab her by the hips before melting my lips on hers. Forget the lack of rest over the last few months, the jet lag and the tiring journey. When Demet makes her eyes at me, I can only think of one thing, to let the caveman in me out.

"I don't know, I'd have to really test the equipment before I could make an opinion..."

"I think it can be arranged..."

I overlook her and lose myself in the curves of her face, her smile, her welcoming lips that I will never tire of kissing. This exchange quickly takes a passionate turn and our clothes fly across the light-filled room. My hands explore her chest while our lips are still sealed. I abandon them for a moment to honor the soft, delicate skin of her breasts. The temperature rises as she arches her back and glues her hips to mine in the rush of pleasure. I want to devour her, to take my time to make love to her as perhaps never before...

It's the dim light of dusk that wakes me up several hours later. I don't know how long we slept, but we spent the day in this paradise locked up in this huge exotic wood room, rocked by our lovemaking and the sound of the waves in the distance. Demet is still sleeping soundly, her face buried in her matted hair. Her breathing is deep and regular. I extricate myself from her arms, trying not to wake her up, walk away and begin to unpack in silence before ordering a range of dishes from room service. I finish in the shower to wake up when I hear footsteps in the room.

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