39. Just For Me

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I offer you with great pleasure this soft chapter, melting like a marshmallow, as soft as fresh grass and as hot as the passion between two people made for each other can be. I hope you will enjoy it and I wish you a very good weekend ! 



Breathless with pleasure, an unspeakable smile on my lips, I caress Demet's bare loins. Her face half hidden in my neck, she floods me with little kisses and I tremble, as if the shivers of our ecstasy do not want to fall back.

Plunged into the half-light, barely lit by a few luminous lights, I let my mind wander, lulled by her caresses, the sound of her heartbeat and the rhythm of her warm breath crashing against my skin.

2018 brought me an unforgettable encounter, my soul mate, my most inspiring partner, a true professional muse and my worst nightmare in love, endless insomnia, uncertainties, smiles and unforgettable reunions.

2019 is starting with a surge of love that I can hardly even quantify...this feeling of fullness, of total abandonment, of trust. It's been a long time since I've felt such a sense of calm.

When Demet took this serious tone to tell me that she had something important to say, I was light years away from imagining such a declaration...I went from smiling at the evocation of our first meeting to tensing up when she spoke of her anxieties, this need to flee from me...I thought I was going to lose her again, that she was going to escape me again. The admission of her jealousy, of her fear of losing me, of my abandoning her for another...How could I? How could I? I wouldn't be able to...

In my arms, her breathing is now slow and regular, she has fallen asleep. I slowly pull myself away and stand there, like a fool, looking at her in the soft half-darkness. Her features are relaxed, her face smiling in her sleep.

We're finally on the same page.

If she knew how fed up I was with this non-exclusive relationship, consumed at every opportunity by the jealousy of the looks of the men around her. Sick of discovering, as I did recently on social networks, that another man could interest her, make her laugh, take her away from me.

Two hours earlier...

Three words, a few letters lined up that mean so much to me. In her mouth, through her eyes, I shiver with pleasure. It takes me a few seconds to really realize and respond. No more doubting, no more hesitating...the words escape from her lips and mine with such natural evidence...




Our mouths sealed, my hands are everywhere, delicately cradling her cheeks, carefully caressing her delicate skin with the pad of my thumbs, savoring the velvety softness of her half-open, welcoming lips. We take an infinite amount of time tasting each other, enjoying each other's new status...I want to lose myself in this feeling of fullness, to fall asleep like this and never open my eyes to a sad reality where we would be separated.

Our bodies have so often possessed each other, but now, at this very moment, I discover the meaning of making love...to be one, to savor the perfect communion of our merging bodies and souls. Each kiss, each caress is nothing but voluptuousness. My hands on her skin rediscover every inch of treasure to cherish, mountains to climb, valleys to hide in. Drowned in an ocean of pleasure, she lets me guide her. Panting, she lets out several sighs, arches her back and pronounces my name in a muffled whisper.

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