40. Our Love

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For a moment, seeing them all happy together, I feel a little sorry for my own family. My mother, my sister, my brother...that core with whom I usually never miss a first of January...yes, but now Can has come into my life and he has shaken everything up. The more I tried to oppose him, the more his universe drew me into the unknown world to which he belongs, that of a broken but united family.

I don't want to let dark thoughts spoil this day for me, no way. After all, I had my mother, my brother and my sister on the phone and they're all fine, I would see them before the shooting resumed and my brother suggested a meal all together, I jumped for joy, indicating that Can would accompany me. A first on my part.

Even on the phone, I imagined his surprised face... I still smile...

Can is adorable. He's usually so reserved, but now he's full of little gestures and attentions, as if he couldn't help but touch me, to check that I'm really real, there, next to him. I answer each time with a tender smile, I can't resist my beautiful brown lover when he makes his eyes at me...

We have adopted a new strategy...let's hope we're more successful than the first time. Our close circle is in the confidence of our relationship, if everyone is more careful there will be less bad surprises.

Guldem gets up and starts picking up some empty dishes. I stand up to imitate her when Can's possessive hand clings to my arm. He lets his palm discreetly caress the inside of my wrist to my elbow and I shudder, his every move towards me sending an electric current through me as the hairs on my body stand up in excitement.

"Are you abandoning me already?"

I fake big eyes, tenderized by the look of a puppy who's done something stupid.

"I'm going to help your mum Can..."

"You don't have to..."

I free myself from his grip and lean in to kiss his cheek and whisper a few words in his ear.

"Take the opportunity to talk to your father and uncle, I'll be back soon..."

He kisses me on the corner of the lips and winks at me. I'm a little embarrassed in front of the other men of his family and he's amused...

When I arrive in the kitchen with the dishes in my hands, Guldem greets me with the warmest of smiles.

"It's wonderful to have you both, Demet..."

"I'm very happy to be with you too."

"I've never seen Can so happy, so radiant as today..."

"I think we've finally understood that we can't be happy just being next to each other..."

She comes up to me and pulls a strand of my hair out of my face and puts it behind my ear, just like Can often does, even if it doesn't feel the same to me. Her hand then rests on my cheek and she strokes my cheekbone with an emotional smile.

"You're a beautiful person Demet in every sense of the word. You're the one he's always been looking for..."

I feel myself blushing in spite of myself. I don't know Guldem very well but I feel close to her, at ease. She's a very educated, modern and motherly woman, I liked her at first sight and I find so much of Can in her...

« He's very much in love with you, since the first day...I've never seen him behave like this with a woman and even more so in front of his family members..."

"Can is a wonderful person Guldem and the more I know you the more I understand why."

"I was so looking forward to him introducing us to a bride..."

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