38. Mine

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Five, four, three two, one, zero...Happy 2019 !!!!

The half-opened terrace, Guven sabre the champagne while in the distance fireworks celebrate the passage of the new year.

I explode with joy, applauding at all costs whereas the assembly embraces, kisses, wishing each other the best for the new year which starts.

I look for him. I know he can't be far away, but the bodies crowding around me block my view. I respond warmly to each embrace, each smile, each choreography of joy that is offered to me but my mind is elsewhere.

A year ago I was spending the New Year in a monstrous party orchestrated by Seckin, surrounded by partygoers, more or less familiar faces. A good festive moment but the impersonal side did not leave a brilliant memory in my mind. I thought 2018 would see my relationship with Seckin move towards that of a fulfilled couple, that I would finally leave behind my single life to move in with him and that we would take it to the next level. How blind I was...

This past year has brought me so much, professionally first of all, opening the way to a fantastic project that opens incredible perspectives beyond my own borders. And above all, the encounter that turned my life upside down.


I smile foolishly as I think of all we have been through in the few months since we first met. He has changed my way of looking at things so profoundly...

"You're very pensive..."

His voice, the one I would recognize among all, at the same time soft, masculine and sexy. He's behind me and, with his intonation I feel that he smiles, certainly amused to feel me shivering at his contact. His arms encircle me and delicately caress the bare skin from my arms to my shoulders. I let my head tilt against him and I close my eyes, letting the pleasure of this fleeting hug invade me. He drags me as discreetly as possible in the corridor...

"Happy New Year my love."

I turn around and face him, a smile invading all my face.

"Happy New Year my love."

Nothing very original to repeat these words except maybe to think them so hard. Our glances catch each other, and I sigh when his lips take possession of mine with ardor. I return his kiss which intensifies every second. Out of breath, we finally separate with a smile.

"Wow, that was...a nice way to start this new year!"

"I'm happy, so happy..."

"Oh, is that so?"

Beste, as usual to arrive at the best moment, interrupts us, two glasses of champagne in hand.

"Come on lovers, we are waiting for you, you have plenty of time to snog each other in the corners like teenagers!"

I raise my eyes to the sky and I drag Can in my wake. The music envelops us and I let myself be caught by Beste where others are already wiggling. I move in rhythm, liberated, happy, cheerful. I'm already naturally jovial but tonight I feel like I'm growing wings. This new year that is about to come is exhilarating for me and even more so after the important decision I made. It's like a relief to end a period of uncertainty. As if, finally, my heart and my mind were on the same wavelength. Can allows himself a single glass of champagne and holds it out to me as he brings it to his lips without taking his eyes off me. His eyes pierce me and I continue to move under the fire of his incandescent gaze. I enjoy this moment of fun covered with eroticism, leaving completely aside the looks of the people around us.

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