"And how'd the Jenner get my number?"

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"And he had the fucking nerves to speak about my child," Louis screamed furiously into the phone. He was pacing back and forth while telling Liam about the meeting. "MY FUCKIN KID"

"Okay okay," Liam tries to calm him. "I'm sure he was just--"

"Just what?" Louis screamed again, this time Liam had to create distance between his ear and the phone.

"Louis," Liam snapped.

Louis stopped pacing, "what?"

"Just tell me what happened next without causing me ear damage."

Louis rolls his eyes, "Then I fucking--"

"Threatened him?" Liam finished his sentence.

Louis looks to the wall in front of him and huffs, "Well he didn't even let me finish the threat."

"He went after Freddie even more?" Liam sounded genuinely surprised. Sure Harry was a bit of a dick now, but he wouldn't do that twice.

"No. He apologized--"

"Well that's good--"

"Oh no but it was a fake one!"

Liam sighs on the line, "Zayn and Simon just sat there watching this unfold."

"No Zayn fucking left before it even started and Simon well he was only adding to my anger."

"Why? What'd he do now?"

"Nothing it was just his overall presence."

Louis heard Liam chuckle a bit on the other line. "Well, mate if we're all going to be working together again, you and Harry need to find some kind of compromise."

"The little fucker makes me want to leave the band."

"Lou, don't say that."

"Whatever mate, the only compromise I'll make is the same from make in 2015," Louis stated.

"The one where you guys never spoke or acknowledged one another?Even in public?"

Louis sarcastically smiles, "That's the one"

"Louis--I don't know, but are you sure that's the best thing--"

"Yes, end of story Liam. If you have any better ideas I suggest you test them out first."

"What do you mean," Liam questioned.

"Li, you know what," Louis sighed. All of a sudden Louis' phone notifies him that he's getting another call. He looks at the ID, "I gotta go Liam. I'm getting another call."

"Yeah--um, later mate."

Louis hangs up and answers the other call, "El?"

"Hey, Lou. How you been?" the familiar voice brings comfort to the man.

"Fine. LA's been a pretty big headache so far."

"I figured it would be." She paused for bit, "Lou, I'm sorry to put this on you but, I've just got a call."



Louis felt the anger begin traveling through his veins and through gritted teeth, "What did they want?"

She sighed, "They want me to fly out to LA but I want to stay here with my family for holidays. Can you please get me out of it, Lou?"

"What makes you think they'll listen to me?" He scoffed.

"Weren't you always the 'boss'" she questions sarcastically.

He felt his lips curve upward into a small smile, "Yeah. Exactly." The two laugh on the phone together and Louis says, "Yeah don't worry El, I'll take care of it." She thanked them and they talked for a bit until he hung to make yet another phone call.

"Hello." Louis rolled his eyes, he swore the man's voice got even more irritating since the last time he's heard it.

"Look, Simon. El is staying in London with her family." Before Simon could get a word in, he continues, "And we've both agreed she doesn't want to be a beard anymore. We're both done with that shit and there is no room for any other opinions. In fact, we're going to announce our break up very soon!"

The other line stayed quiet for a bit until Simon finally spoke up, "Alright fine. News of your breakup would certainly bring more buzz toward the band." Can this little shit not think about anything else but the stupid band, Louis thought.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Simon. So we're agreed then?"

"It seems so."

"Good. We should have more chats where we agree always in my favor," and Louis hangs up without waiting for a response.

Just like that the holidays seemed to be going by quickly and the boys' break was coming to an end, but just before the new year, a grand party was being held by one of the famous sisters of the Kardashian/Jenner klan.
Louis had received a message from someone he had no connection to whatsoever, well besides—but not the point. He's never spoken more than three sentences to this girl and it was none other than one of the Jenner sisters.

Kylie Jenner's famous New Years party. Why she invited Louis, he had know idea. He never really paid attention to anyone within their family, so when he got the text wondering how she even got ahold of his number, he was simply going to reply no. Well, that was until the call he got from Simon right before he pressed send.

He sighed annoyed, "Yes, Simon?"

"I've got news about Kylie Jenner's New Years party," he said a bit excitedly into the phone.

Louis rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I'm not going."

"And why not? Do you have other New Year's plans"

"Yes, I'm spending it with Freddie—"

"Great! Just bring Freddie with you," Simon interrupts.

"I'm not bringing my kid to a party filled with a bunch of—"

"ah ah ah, Louis there's no need to start name calling, it's time for buzz about the reunion to start surfacing. If all of you attend—"

"W-wait," Louis pauses to process for a second. "All of us? All of us are going?"

"Yes, Niall and Liam are arriving sometime tomorrow," he states.

Louis scoffs, "and you'll be there too, I'm guessing."

"But of course, to keep tabs on you lot."

"Yeah, whatever. And how'd the Jenner get my number?"

"Didn't you exchange numbers back in—"

"I also changed it right after," Louis mumbled. "Either way, Freddie's not coming. Why does he need to hang with adults."

"Louis, have you been living under a rock? You act as if Kylie and the others don't have children of their own. Of course other children will be there!"

"Freddie's shy doesn't like meeting new people," he says plainly.

"Louis, you can even bring the mother," he tries to compromise.

"Is that supposed to convince me?"

"Well what will?"

"Make sure I won't have to come in contact with Harry at the party. And the rest of my life," he states coldly.

Simon sighs, "Well, that's going to be a bit difficult considering you're supposed to be bandmates."

"I prefer the term co-worker," Louis says and quickly hangs up before Simon responds. This party is going to be beyond hectic, he thought.

I've just realized I never said happy new year...happy 2021 everyone, hopefully this year treats us better :)


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