"Beautiful choice of words, Styles."

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"How was the last session with Dr. Riley?" Simon asks as they enter the music studio.

No one replied until Zayn, "It was good." Noticing the new wave a tension, Simon decides to move on.
"Alright, boys first time back in the studio together, how are we feeling?"

None of the boys answer him. They all walk into the semi familiar space. It was a different studio then they were used to. A lot of records of the albums were done in hotel rooms anyway, but over all tone of getting into a music studio was familiar.

"I figured we better get started on some new music, and I think it'd be really impressive of the come back album had only your writing credits. The first album to completely written by one direction only."

"And you're giving us complete creative control?" Liam asked. His eyebrow raised suspicion. This is something they fought for heavily years ago in the band, and now Simon was just laying it out for them.

Louis made his way to the piano centered in the room. Niall joined him, "What do you know how to play?"

Louis shrugged, "One thousand miles."

Niall chuckled, "Only?"

He smiled, "Only."

Simon clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention again, "Well, you've got three hours here. Everyone seems to be in a—" he looks around to each of their either bored or annoyed expressions. "—somewhat civil mood. So, get to writing."

Harry rolls his eyes, "You can't expect us to write a song in three hours."

"It's some time to start," Simon says while taking his leave.

And then there was five.

"I could write a song in three hours," Louis shrugs while turning back to the piano.

"I meant a good song," he said seated at the mixing console, looking into the small recording booth.

"Let's not start the lovely banter already," Liam intercepts. "Just-"

"Just write a song. In fact," Niall rises from beside Louis, "Whoever writes the best song or really just a snippet of a song in the next two and a half hours...wins...bragging rights."

Liam sighs, "Why are you fueling their rivalry with a competition?"

Niall faces Liam, "Who said it was just between them?"

Zayn stands next to Niall, "Alright, lad, I'm in."

Louis folds his arms, "Why only two and a half? We have three hours?"

"To vote at the end," he states. "Are you joining Liam." Liam rolls his eyes from where he stands by the door. "You don't have to, you could be the judge."

Liam sighs once more, "Of course I'm joining. M'part of this band aren't I?"

"Alright lads, our time starts now," Niall says and they all get to work.

Within an hour of the time, Harry sat hopelessly frustrated. His eyebrow twitched as his grip on the pencil hardened. The actual songwriting part of the competition wasn't what was getting to him, but instead it was the band member sat at the piano. Harry didn't know if he was purposefully playing such a horrid combination of notes but it was making his ears bleed.

Niall had moved into the sound booth with Liam, for they beat Harry to the quiet soundproof room. Harry looked at Zayn who sat unbothered from the noise.

Finally having enough he slammed his fist against the table, "Louis, if you've got nothing, randomly pressing keys won't get you anywhere!"

Zayn looked up from his own lyrics to Harry and then Louis. Niall and Liam didn't hear a thing so they continued on with their work.

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