"Because I stole your man?"

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After speaking with Freddie for a short time, hearing him going on and on about his hope for his parents, Harry wanted a drink. No, needed a drink. So he let the child go back to his new friends, while he went on his mission for alcohol.

"Kylie," he weakly called out once he saw her.

He gains her attention and she walks over to him, "Hey, Harry, how are you?"

"Fine, I just—" he clears his throat when he hears his voice crack and looks away feeling the tears brim.

Kylie puts a reassuring hand on his arm and searches for his face, "Hey, hey Harry are you okay?"

He clears his throat again, meeting her eyes, "M' fine"

"W-wh" she tries but is interrupted,

"I said I'm fine. Really. J-just um I need a drink or something."

"There's kids around, I didn't put any alcohol out."

"Fine, then let me hide in a wine cellar or something," he stops to think, "You probably have one of those, right?"

Kylie sighs in sympathy, "Harry, I can't let you drink whatever you're going through away." He makes a sound of sadness at Kylie's words. "Tomorrow's New Year's Day"

"It's just another day. It'll just be another day of this shit," he says making space between them. "I'm leaving."

He starts walking away, but she quickly grabs his arm, "Harry, you better not be going to a random bar to get a drink."

He gently releases himself from her grip, "Lovely party. Lead me to the exit, will you?" The two pass through rooms of people conversing, dancing and eventually arrive at the door that began this evening. Before he takes his leave, "There better not be any drunk Styles headlines anywhere tomorrow."

"Thank you for your concern, Kylie, you always did treat me like a brother," he smiles sarcastically making his way down the steps.

She stands there watching him and quickly yells, "did you drive yourself?"

"Yep," he shouts back fishing his keys out of his pocket.

Harry, you better not be going to a random bar to get a drink

He thought about Kylie's words as he drove. A hand on the wheel, the other placed on his chin, brows furrowed and thinking. He drives by multiple bars, but listens to Kylie not entering any. That is until he comes across The Rooftop. It wasn't a random bar, like she told him not to go into. In fact, why he decided to go to this bar instead of all the others, he didn't know.

Back in One Direction, whenever they were in LA on a day off, this is the bar they'd go to, even in the most difficult year in the band.

He sighed pulling up to the parking lot. There was a line of people, but they were regulars there once upon a time ago, so he should get in easily.
Harry remembers why they were all so fond of this place. In fact as soon as he entered the building through the vip entrance, he made his way further up. The actually rooftop of the building, where the pool was. Happy memories with the boys filled his mind for a spilt second, and when the intimate ones with a certain blue eyed man appears his smile fades, causing him to make his way past the rather large amount of people on the pool sides just dancing and whatnot to the outdoor bar.

At the six stools, two were taken up, a blonde man at the end and a brunette women right in the middle. Harry took a seat at the other end with the empty seat. The bartender quickly makes his way over, "No way, Harry Styles!" He didn't say it too loudly but the woman still heard, at least that's what he guessed when she turned to him.

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