"She is the mother of my child."

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"Hey, mate. You okay?" Niall asks. He hums again. "Harry, why are you drunk?"

Harry places his head down against the table. Everyone blankly stares at him while he answers Niall, "Rough day."

Liam whispers to Louis, "everyone in here is staring at us. If we're seen together this early—"

"It's Harry's fault." He doesn't even bother to whisper it back, gaining everyone at the table's attention. Even Harry's as he lifts his head up to stare down Louis. He scoffs, "my fault? I'll tell you who's fucking at fault in—"

"I don't want to hear it," Louis plainly states looking unbothered. All eyes are shifting between them at the table. Now everyone's wondering what if Harry's going to reveal if something. A man in a clean suit and dark slicked back hair approaches the table. Immediate recognizing the people seated at the table, he decides to take a different approach. "Ehm, excuse me but unfortunately you're interrupting the rest of the guests' dinner." He directs his attention to Harry, "maybe you'd like to get some fresh air on the rooftop of the building. It's wonderful up there."

Harry opens his mouth, seemingly about to say something rude, but the voice he hates most right now interrupts him, "Yeah, he'll go."

Harry looks to Louis, "why are you fucking answering for me?"

"So, you stop embarrassing us," he states.

"Fuck off," he abruptly stands and follows the man to roof.

"I think I could use a breather after that too," Niall says following after Harry and the man to the roof.

"Niall will look after him," Liam says to Louis.

"I don't care Liam," Louis takes a gulp from his drink. Now my whole mood is ruined for the rest of my life, he thought. Most of the table finish their meal and Niall and Harry still haven't returned.

"I think we should check on those two," Zayn mentions when he notices everyone getting ready to leave.

"You're probably right Zayn, so you and Liam should do it," Louis says and grunts shortly after when Liam kicks him under the table.

Zayn looks over to Liam and his features softens into slight fond, "right. I think we all should." The three boys excuse their selves from the table and go in the direction of Harry and Niall.

The rooftop wasn't just isolate with their two band mates. There was people having dinner on the roof too. It was quite fancy, candles were lit at each table type of stuff. Farther to the end of the roof, Harry and Niall were sitting on the outdoor couch. Niall spotted them while Harry was too busy staring up at the night sky.

"I think it'd be best if I kept my distance." Zayn and Liam give him a warm look in understanding. "So he doesn't lose his shit again," he clarifies. Liam walks over to the two and sits besides Niall. Zayn sees Louis drag himself to quiet corner among the festive roof, "Hey."

Louis turns to look at him and back at the scene of people dinning, "What"

Zayn sighs, "thank you."


"For shutting down the idea of touring so soon."

Louis meets his eyes and nod, "How's...how have you been handling your anxiety."

Zayn shrugs, "it's been difficult."

"If you don't want to tour at any times, tell us. Even this new Harry would understand."

Zayn let's out a chuckle, though it sounds sad, "He's changed quite a bit through the years." Louis hums as a response. "He looks so happy in the public's eye. He looks free. Isn't that all you've ever wanted for him?"

Louis sighs looking up, "But it's fake. When he sees us. Me, he only ever looks angry all the time. Which isn't fair because I'm fucking angry."

"You got back at him though. And you hit harder," Zayn reminds him.

"Yeah." Louis looks back over to the couch to see all three of the guys are gone. "W-Where'd they go?" Zayn looks in the same direction for a sign of them.

"Harry, stop fucking your self," they hear Niall say. There they spot Harry drinking more alcohol while Liam and Niall try to stop him. When they finally grab the drinks from him, he begins wandering toward Zayn and Louis. "You think he sees us?"

"Don't know," Louis shrugs. Harry's covering his face with a hand while stumbling even worse than before.

"He's about to vomit," Louis says. A server walks by with an empty trash bag, "May I borrow this?" Before the server could register the question, Louis grabs the bag and walks to Harry pushing the bag against his chest, "Here."

Harry rolls his eyes, "Fuck off."

"You're about barf idiot."

"No, I'm—" but he couldn't even finish the sentence. Louis acts quick enough though and Harry regurgitates into the bag.

"Take the damn bag, I'm not going to stand here and hold it for you," Louis snapped. Harry takes it and continues emptying his stomach until he's only heaving. The four other guys surround him but he only looks up to Louis, "why would," he takes deep breathes between his words, "marry that bitch."

All three boys look to Louis for his reaction. He fists his hands, "Don't fucking ever call her that. Show some fucking respect man."

"And why would I ever do that," Harry rises to his full height.

"Because we're co-workers now, and she is the mother of my child. If you can't respect, then just don't speak on it," Louis watches Harry taking in those worlds, but little does he know, each one crushed his former lover.

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