"I've never done group therapy with a boy band before."

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"Could a little inside fuel be spurring between band mates Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles??" The reporter exclaims dramatically through the screen. "Stick around to find out." The Hollywood reports shifts to some other celebrity drama before it lands on Louis and Harry. "Sad time for those Larry shippers out there, because it there only seems to be hostile tension between the two." The blonde reporter goes on with her spiel on them, with small clips of the comments uncontrollably made to one another.

The television screen turns off.

Louis blows some air through his lips looking around. "How many times are you going to play celebrity gossip news for us?"

Simon clearly pissed, inhales and then exhales. The office room is quiet. All five members wait for the Simon explosion, but he stayed relaxed. Unexpectedly. "Why are you two always on celebrity gossip channels," he asked calmly.

Harry shrugged, "Don't know."

"Isn't any publicity good publicity," Louis questioned, looking out at the large windows across the conference room.

Simons lips formed a tight line. "We don't need any rumors spreading around about you two hating each other in the band."

"But we do." Louis states. Harry looks over to him, before looking back to Simon.

Only one of us really, he thought.

Simons sighs, his head hanging low in his hands, "What can I do to make you guys able to tolerate one another." He looks to Liam, Zayn, and Niall. "Any ideas? At all?"

They all remain silent. He looks to the the members of management and asks the same thing. No one speaks up until eventually a small unsure voice does. "Yes, Emily? Speak up."

"What if," she clears her throat looking between Louis and Harry. "We send them to um-maybe,"

"Well spit it out," he demands.

"We could try to sending them to therapy," she finishes. The room remained dead silent after her suggestion. "You know to get them to talk and workout their problems in a confidential space."

Harry furrows his brows at her suggestion. I already go to fucking therapy.

Simon sits up straight. "Are you really considering it?" Louis asks looking annoyed at the suggestion. "I don't need therapy, I just don't like the dude."

Louis noticed Harry roll his eyes not even trying to hide it, "What? And you think therapy is such a terrific idea, it'll make me change my mind."

"I didn't say that," Harry crossed his arms as he leaned back against his chair. "You've just always had this false stigma towards therapy."

"Oh, because you know me so well," Louis rolled his own eyes now.

"Enough," Simon interrupted. "Are we going to just pay someone to sit and listen to them going back and forth like that."

"That's not all that therapy is," Emily stated. "Not just listening but working toward whatever goal they set for their relationship." All eyes fall on her when she says relationship. Louis sends her scowling glare, make her shift her gaze away from his nervously.

"And you know so much about therapy now?" He asks her. She hesitantly returns her gaze back the eyed man, "No, but my sister in law is a therapist. She's really good at what she does too and she's based right here in LA."

"Okay, it seems to be the only way of moving toward some sort of solution for now," Simon says. He rubs a hand across his face. "We'll do it."

Louis scoffs, "I'm not spending hours in a room with this one."

"Then, we can make it sort of a group therapy thing, with the whole band." She suggests.

"Why does this one keep talking," he mumbles.

She gulps in her seat, and mutters "Sorry."

Her genuine apology made Louis feel bad a bit for being so rude toward her. He sighed looking away from her.

"I don't have a problem going to therapy," Niall states. "If it'll help the band."

"Me either," Liam adds. Niall and Simon look to Zayn and he nods in agreement as well.

"Louis? Harry?"


"I can't believe I got dragged into this shit," Louis mumbled as they went up the elevator to this foreign building. He looked over to Harry in the corner of the lift who looked paler than usual. "Nervous?" He smirked.

Harry was previously looking up at the ceiling with his eyes shut. He opened them and looked across to Louis on the other side of the elevator. "No," he answered coldly.

"Sure," Louis looked toward the doors again.

Just as Harry was about to respond, Liam cuts in, "Save it for the therapist. Right Emily?" He looks down at the shorter girl in the elevator with them. Simon had ordered her to accompany them to her sister's practice.

The arrive in the waiting room that was now empty on management's request. The five sat in the seats spread out from one another while Emily checked their appointment name at the front desk.

"Hi, Emily it's nice to see you again," the secretary greeted.

"Hey, Katalia. I'm here on business so I have to be professional," she whispered with a smile.

Katalia smiled right back at her, "Of course. So does that mean I can't ask for a picture for my daughter."

"Yes, now be the proper professional you are."

"I will. Let me just go check in the back to see if Jen's ready for them." Katalia gets up from her seat to one of the rooms.

Emily faces the guys again who all sit quietly in the waiting room. Harry gets up and walks over to her. "What's your last name Emily?"


He nods and gestures toward the door they entered in. It had the therapist's name and degree next to it. "And your sister is this-uh, Dr. Riley."

"Yeah, she's married to my step brother, who still holds his fathers last name Riley," she explains.

He hums in understanding.

A woman in a navy pants suit walks out with the secretary at her side. All the boys stand and face her direction. "Well," she sighed happily. "Pleased to meet you all, I'm Dr. Riley." She looked over to Harry keeping her expression in tact, but slightly angling her head to the side. "Please, come on in," she leads them to a beautiful room furnished with rustic decor and lovely plants all around. Big windows let natural light shine throughout the rooms.

After marveling for sometime all the boys take seats on the couch and other cushioned seats. Katalia and Emily exit the room leaving them to their privacy.

After getting settled, Dr. Riley claps her hand together, "I've never done group therapy with a boy band before."


A/N: I've been so productive and sticking to the schedule. *pat on the back*

(and remember i will fix any errors later on, but so sorry if there are any)

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luv you <3


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